My Epic Breeding Setup Build

thats only 2 baths, Kev will have to give his baths up. Looking good :good:
Excuse the mess of the living room ...





It's a bit rough around the edges at the moment but will be spruced up with poly insulation in between the frame, and a thin sheet of MDF covering all of the framework and painted to hide all the hardcore timberwork lol!

Yet to water-test :crazy:
It's been filled for a few hours now and *touch wood* no leaks just yet .... crossing my fingers it'll all be fine as there's probably around a ton of water in that tank that I really don't want dumped on my living room floor.

If all is still well come Saturday, we'll be putting the sand in and moving all of the fish over. I cannot wait to see how my clown loaches like it :hyper:
Superb! Fingers crossed for the next 24 hours as regards no leaks.
The fish are in!!!

My clowns love it and my geophagus are loving all the expanses of sand too.

I've planted it well, but I can see my little darlings have already uprooted a few swords this morning :rolleyes:

Will get some pics today :)
After being planted ...

Being filled ...

Then finished with fishies :D



We still have to do all the finishing touches, rig up some permanent lighting, design a lid and get the 6ft underneath running but I'm chuffed to pieces so far.
The stocking is now ...
A lot of clown loaches ranging from 1 to 9 inches (lost count but around 30 I think)
1 x ruby shark
1 x flying fox
6 x geophagus abalios
3 x congo tetra
5 x gouramis (gold, blue etc)
2 x swordtails
1 x synodontis eupterus
9 x juvie rotkeil severums (will be taken down to a pair once they are grown and pair up :) )

I'm going to let it all settle and mature and then add some more congos and possibly a few more clown loaches as well depending on how I feel.
Well done guys, what an awsome accomplishment climax to a self build project.

I don't know about others, but I am looking forward to a close shot of a school of Clown Loaches ~30 strong
That's amazing and I am utterly green with envy! :D your fishes must be loving it in there! It looks fab, even though it's not finished yet. How are you planning on doing the lighting?

Were you not tempted to have another tank the same size directly underneath it instead of the 6 footer, or were you concerned about the floor withstanding all that weight in water??!
that frame would look great 'brushed' paint.
Well done guys, what an awsome accomplishment climax to a self build project.

I don't know about others, but I am looking forward to a close shot of a school of Clown Loaches ~30 strong

Well, I'll have a job getting that shot - they're all shoaling up the back wall lol! I need a better camera.

That's amazing and I am utterly green with envy! :D your fishes must be loving it in there! It looks fab, even though it's not finished yet. How are you planning on doing the lighting?

Were you not tempted to have another tank the same size directly underneath it instead of the 6 footer, or were you concerned about the floor withstanding all that weight in water??!
The lighting is probably going to be 2 x 54w or 2 x 80w bulbs suspended above the tank or else built into a hood.

I did consider the same size tank underneath and the floor would take it but I was worried about the stand holding the weight lol. We have an extra leg in the middle of the stand just behind the 6ft tank and I was worried enough about this beast of a stand holding the tank and water lol!

that frame would look great 'brushed' paint.

We might do that - none of it is finished yet, we were too impatient to get the fish in because they were sat in 3 x 3fts on the kitchen floor.
Fantastic tanks :D I bet those clown loaches are going to love all that space!
Can't wait to see what you do with the second tank ^^

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