Thanks for sharing this experience - fun to watch! So these DIY tanks are strictly for breeding pleco and bristlenose? Do you have any clue how much money you just saved by building these with plywood?
They are strictly for breeding plecos and bristlenose - although could be used for almost any fish to be honest - the dimensions of our tanks are designed to maximise the floor space for the fish though. We may also be housing a few other dithers in some of the tanks but most plecos don't need dithers and in fact, don't like them, so we may not.
Well, as an idea, the raw materials (wood, pondliner, silicone sealant, nails/screws/bolts, glass) cost us £450 for 2 of 2ftx2ftx1ft tanks, 3 of 3ftx2ftx1ft tanks, 3 of 6ftx2ftx2ft tanks and 3 of 3 tier stands, one to hold the 2ft tanks, one to hold the 3ft tanks and one to hold the 6ft tanks. Purchased in glass brand new each 3ft would have been £103 from Poseidons (just about the cheapest aquarium manufacturer) and each 6ft would have been £160 - plus another cost on top for delivery from Yorkshire to London, and I wouldn't even know how much for these stands to have been made for us.
I would imagine we have saved over £400 all told.
The best bit for me is electricity-wise. The combination of plywood, pondliner and thick polystyrene for the backgrounds means that these tanks virtually lose nothing in the way of heat from the sides - hence lower electricity bills that we'll notice more in winter I would have thought.
They're also good because they are so light to move around as well - I know it's not often tanks will be moved but this will not be our final place and I don't want to run the risk of these being dropped and broken when we do move.
For anyone that is interested - the old setup is now up for sale in the classified section
Also, I will get some more pics as we have made more progress ... just as soon as I get a new lead for the camera - my puppy currently has a thing for electrical cables