My Ei 15 Gallon - Rescape

Ok, new lights are in, no photo's yet but I will take some. I replaced the single Interpet PC T5 36w tube with 2x15w T8 (all with reflectors). I am using the Arcadia double starter (the new 'sealed' one) which has really nice light clips to mount to the hood, much better than anything I've seen in the past - they give a much sturdier attachment.

I have an Original Tropical and a Freshwater tube, I certainly notice the changed output colours from the Original Tropical light, taking a bit of getting used to after the crisp white from the previous Interpet Daylight Plus. The red colouration from my rotala rotundifolia is certainly much more noticeable and the improved light spread over the water surface has really highlighted the colouration of the fish, the copper harlequin have been transformed :) I might play around and swap the tubes over back-front next water change, I have the Original Tropical to the front of the tank and I would like to see how it looks with this at the back and the Freshwater at the front. I can vaguely see me trying two Freshwater tubes at some point, not 100% convinced on the red-hue from the Original one. Still, the more even lighting over the entire tank is a big improvement and I've still got the magic 2wpg figure (or a tad over if you want to be picky!). Some pearling beginning again too :)
Great to here! (specially as that 36w is headed my way :p) I find my 2 freshwater tubes (36"/30watt) give a sort of yellowy hue on my rio180. I'm a bit unsure about the colour definition the give. Almost looks like I've got a small amount of tanins in the water (mind, I probably have :lol: )

Looknig forwards to more pics!
PM lily pipes ordered from AE alongside some Tropica substrate (2.5L). All the eBay pipes were 12" in length for the inflow pipe which is way big for my tank which is only 12" high in itself - the 12" inflow pipe would have stuck really high above my tank lid and may have looked a bit daft! The PM set is only 9.5" in length for the inflow pipe which is about perfect.

LFS have agreed to take my fish so this weekend is a big fish shift fest (say that fast!) - my 5 gallon needs moved out of the kitchen before Monday when the builders are in to demolish walls - I am moving the tetra, cory and harlequins out of my 15 gallon to the LFS and moving the rasbora, pygmy cory, oto and shrimp from the 5 gallon to the 15 gallon. Once the kitchen refurb is complete (they say 2 weeks which I am inclined to believe) I will be starting work on the 15 gallon. I'll re-move the fish back to a basic 5-gallon and run the filter in it to keep things happy. I'll then take my time with the layout of the 15 gallon with the only hassle being the amount of plants I want to keep, they'll all have to somehow sit in the 5-gallon so I may get the base layout sorted in the 15-gallon and then plant some stuff back in it before working on the 'detail'.
Sounds like you've got your work cut-out, Nry... Nice wood and tank...
Well, I've been talking about re-doing my 15-gallon for months so it's about time :) The vine roots don't appear to be leaching any noticeable tannin though they have got some white fluffy mould on....pah.
Well, all change has begun - kind of. Fish are now moved out, those from my 5-gallon moved in (and seem amazed at how much space they now have!). I've ripped out most of the r.rotundifolia and now have loads of vallis mini twister and a stunning windelov fern on the mopani wood that came from my 5-gallon. I guess it is 'close' to how I want the vallis and windelov to look once re-scaped which is great, I really like the feel of the tank at the moment, very open and spacious. I like the new lighting much better (2xT8 - Arcadia Freshwater and Original tubes), the colours blend well now the huge canopy of r.rotundifolia has gone - the reds from my rasbora maculatus show up really really well. Also never seen this much pearling in ages!

Oh, and what a sod catching teeny tiny fish, I don't relish the thought of catching them again when it comes to the complete rescape :)
A little taste of things to come - not exactly a sneak preview but hey, it is nice anyhow :)

Yeah, it does look really good. Well done :good:
Cheers all - not bad for a rush job moving plants out from this tank and fish and shrimp in from another!

Strip down will likely begin in about 3 weeks, just trying to debate how I arrange the filters - the Juwel internal in coming out and I'll be using a TetraTec EX600 instead though I need two filters as I'll be housing the fish etc in my old 5-gallon for a few weeks until the plants have settled a bit, don't want the shrimps to start ripping up the U.Graminifolia straight away! I think I'll somehow have to mix old filter media around between the new TetraTec and a currently unused HOB for the 5-gallon...never simple :)

Last decision is whether to splash out on an external heater....I think I might have to, keep the minimal of equipment in the tank as far as I can. Need to decide if I am going to risk putting CO2 straight into the filter aswell....think I'll probably try as then the only equipment in the tank will be the glass lily pipe intake and outlet pipes.
My lily pipe pipes arrived....but the intake pipe is broken in two :( Hopefully can arrange a replacement....
Hydor 200w external heater, £20 from eBay inc delivery :) Hopefully second hand ones don't leak though!

New lily pipe on the way too :)
wow, i like your current aquascape :good:

whats the tall plant on the right? it looks realy nice
The tall plant is vallis, specifically 'mini twister', doesn't grow beyond 10-12" in length which is superbly suited to smaller tanks.
Further testament to EI being 'safe' is that one of my shrimp is now carrying eggs :)

Also went two weeks with no water change due to major kitchen refurbishment - I dropped the dosing down in week 2 and no problems at all with algae etc etc.

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