My Ei 15 Gallon - Rescape

All I need to sort now is ordering the small amount of plants (probably from Birstall) - two pots of U.Gramnifolia.

If you have any probs ordering it (ie they want a minimum order) let me know mate :) I'm going to be buying some of this at some point in the near future.
same kitchen hob as my girlfriends its a pleasure to cook on :)
I now have some baby shrimp too - no idea what type though!
A bit more thought on the upcoming rescape - I am thinking that the wood will become the focus point of the new layout. Putting too many tall plants around the tank may take away this focus and perhaps fill the tank too much. To this end I am thinking that the overall layout will be high/bushy to the back-right of the tank, gently dropping to a carpet of U.Graminifolia across the remaining substrate, still (if it looks right!) using some of the large black pebbles I have to break things up a bit. Perhaps having a small 'mound' of p.helferi to the back-left of the tank but I am unsure until the rescape begins - hoping to order the U.G. today if I can remember to!

I may have a fair bit of spare vallis mini twister and rotala rotundifolia, possibly some glosso (but there is a bit of hair algae on this due to my own lack of maintenance!) - if you want this let me know by PM.
Tonight is the night - first job is to setup the 5-gallon PFK cube again as a temporary fish home, this will be radically over-filtered using a TetraTec EX600 :)

The filter will move over to the 15-gallon once the tank is re-scaped, I am aiming to move the livestock/plants etc over to the 5-gallon tomorrow evening, then move onto the rescape hopefully Wednesday night (if my wife is not feeling neglected by then!), though I am determined to get my in-cabinet wiring etc as neat as George Farmer did in his recent low-light feature in PFK so it might take a bit longer! Have the old Juwel filter to strip out, then add the inline heater and external reactor - then need to sort out the bpm for 30ppm of CO2....

I hopefully have some U.Graminifolia coming from another forum but I am tempted to re-try some HC in this tank after doing pretty well with it in the 5-gallon - no harm in trying, I can always strip it out if and when UG is available from Tropica again (hasn't been on their stock list for a while now).

PS - I am aiming to do a full photo-diary of the entire project, if anyone has any specific pictures etc they would like included let me know.
Temporary tank is set up, the filter is almost as big as the tank! My wife is not convinced that the new filter will fit in the cabinet of the should fit....a bit snug maybe, but it will fit! I'm also surprised at how quiet the filter is, not noticeable at all.
The fish and plants are moved - I noticed this morning that I still have loads of baby shrimp in the 15-gallon tank, cannot believe how many there must be, I reckon on at least 30!

Tonight I am aiming to strip the tank down entirely, remove the Juwel filter box and prepare for painting the back of the tank tomorrow - I may regret this, I may not - I have had a black background for ages now and really like it so not overly concerned at the moment.

Cannot believe how many plants I had, the p.helferi had really really spread, see my post in the 'Plant Swap' thread as I have way too much of most things to keep!
Stripping a tank down is not pleasant :)

The tank is now empty, the Juwel filter out (pretty easy actually!) and the first coat of black acrylic paint is on the background - even with only one coat the depth of black is superb, just what I was hoping for! Second coat goes on tonight then pictures of initial layouts to follow over the weekend.
I have some pictures - bit useless that my website host is down so I can't upload them! Pah! Got the wood zip-tied to some perspex which will be below the gravel/rocks, no more floaty floaty :)

Slight logistical situation though - I am wondering if I'd be better attaching the windelov fern to the wood before I add the substrate, it would be easier to tie etc, but getting the substrate around the wood and fern would be hard....I think I will go for substrate first then struggle with the fern!
Some pictures along the way:






Need to polish that glass!
looking good!
wheres that wood from? d'ya know what it is?
Now that looks cool!

A job well done. It is the most difficult thing to do: Achieve a natural look, but you have captured something there...

...this tank is gunna look great

Thanks all!

Wood was sold as 'vine root' by my LFS, never seen it anywhere else for sale though I it must be common-ish as a piccy in last months PFK had some in, I think it was the Hagen kids club section tank....

Can't decide on HC or UGraminifolia - there is some UG on eBay now but £8.95 per pot!!!! Tempting though....

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