My Discus Show Tank

Love your tank mate! Some real inspiration for when I finally pull my finger out and head down the discus route :D

Awesome Tank and beautiful fish, very envious :drool: Inspiring.......

Thank you

Your tank is STUNNING!! :good:

Thanks....Loving those 2 guys in your signature, they look so cool

Love your tank mate! Some real inspiration for when I finally pull my finger out and head down the discus route :D


Ben, I think it Discus would do well for you, as I believe Cornwall has nice soft and acidic tap water??
Ben, I think it Discus would do well for you, as I believe Cornwall has nice soft and acidic tap water??

Well it's funny you say that, the corner tank I've got was basically setup specifically with discus in mind but then I pretty much wimped out and got angels instead -_-

The colours on your discus look too good to be true! Simply stunning. I come on this thread every few days just to look at your pictures over and over again. Good job mate!
The colours on your discus look too good to be true! Simply stunning. I come on this thread every few days just to look at your pictures over and over again. Good job mate!
. They are exactly how they look in the pics. Some days they seem to have more glow than others(depending on their mood), but always bright. A good diet and clean water seems to be the key. I'll update it when I get back home from work, as I am away at the moment....... and missing my fish
I'll update it when I get back home from work, as I am away at the moment....... and missing my fish

Aww I'm sure they're missing you too!
Time for another re-scape tomorrow I think. Some plant jiggling, etc. But the big one is should I add some German Blue Rams or not? Just for some change and they are so pretty. Have not had Rams before, so would like some pros and cons from those who know
Thank you.
How have I missed this!?

Gorgeous! Now I know where they live when they aren't in their "pay by the hour" motel :p
lol, that's far too classy!

I've only got Bolivians and that's a whole other kettle of fish! *ba dum, ching!*
I keep a M/F pair of GBR with my discus & they do just fine - like similar conditions & don't bother each other at all.
I keep a M/F pair of GBR with my discus & they do just fine - like similar conditions & don't bother each other at all.

Thanks mate, how many should I go with? One pair? or a mix of males and females and let them sort themselves out? They would go in the following tank: 450 liters, 16 Discus, some tetras and corys. Filter runs 3000l/hr and I do 50% water changes 3-4 times/week. pH is controlled at 6.4 and water is relatively soft at gH 3-4. Water quality is as good as I can keep it.

Really would like some real world advise on keeping a new species before I start with them.

Thank you

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