My Discus Are Boring


Oct 5, 2005
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Edmonton , Canada
I have had discus for about 8 months now, and I find them boring. I once had my 55g full of rainbow fish with a relatively strong current; they were very fun to watch.

What would YOU put in a 90g planted tank?

Im very excited to transform my tank.


Bala sharks.
If you want balas the tank needs to be a minimum of 6 foot long, although an 8 is much more preferable. They are very active fish and they need lots of room to swim, as they do get 12-14 inches long and need to be in shoals/schools.

Maybe some sort of cichlids? A jag/o/jd combo perhaps?
I should add, that I have a very gorgeous rainbow shark in my 55g that I would like to move to my 90g. So my new fish should be compatible with him.

I could take him back to the store if I decide on fish that dont work with him.

Also, I have a large scalare angel that I have nursed back to health and would like to move her from my 21g to my 90g, perhaps.

I am open to ALL suggestions.

Ive never had any big fish....that could be fun

Also, I want to keep the tank as an open top tank, I have made a 3 inch plexi glass gard around the tank top to prevent fish jumping out...

Also, I would like active fish that like current and lots of live plants.

I also find old world cichlids boring. They look good but just sit in there territory and take the odd swipe at tank members.
I agree they need at least 200 gallons tanks I think.
OK I want to get this post back on track. When I say "big" I mean in comparison to tetras and stuff. I really like rainbow fish and I think Ill get some, perhaps I need suggestions for other interesting fish that can be compatible with rainbow fish. I love rummy nose are they to small to be housed with large rainbows?

Also, is a lone full grown scalare going to be at risk with full grown rainbows?

My angel is close to my heart...I got her when she was dime sized..

I like to under stock my tanks ALOT. I would consider trying to pair up my full grown angel and leave them alone in the tank, is this possible?
id go for a bichir or an eel first.then maybe some odd catfish like synos.then you could go lake tanganyika.

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