My Cycle Diary

Stats looking great Paul. You are a great example of a fishless cycle taking 6 weeks (you hit 6 weeks at the 42 day mark a couple days ago) and now your biofilter is clearly giving nice solid performance by showing double zero readings at 12 hours after adding 5ppm ammonia for 3 straight days of your qualifying week.

Is there anything you'd like to say to future beginners reading this thread about what slowed you down or was confusing about the process or anything else?

The main thing I would say is to read the pinned topics on Fishless Cycling, I read them all – sad I know but I had the time!

Things that I think that sped up the process was the mature media (aka sponge from an up and running tank) being squashed in the tank (one at the beginning and about half way through for me) one thing I would say about that is – try to get the gunk in the filter not just in the tank, this was easy in the Jewel tank as I could squish it in the top of the filter otherwise it spun around the tank and settled on the bottom – not an issue except when algae started eating it and growing! So try and get it in the filter.

Keep your eyes open for a drop in the PH - mine stayed around 7.4-6 until day31 and then plummeted, I have checked several other FC’s and found that most Ph drops happen around this time, most people will say do a good water change (and a good gravel vacuum)- as much as possible and then some more, plus don’t try to adjust the Ph artificially you want to give the bacteria a healthy environment with clean water.

But most importantly keep checking and keep asking and don’t get offended. The help on here is great and although sometimes you don’t want the answer that you get, stick with it – if someone advises wrongly many will correct them and quickly.

1. Beg, steal or borrow some mature media – check the topics for people who will donate and are local to you.
1a. Get a liquid based water check for Ammonia, NitrIte, NitrAte and Ph. (API master kit is good and a good price on certain bidding websites)
2. Always use dechlorinator with new water (use dechlorinator for ponds as it works out cheaper and does the same job)
3. Up your temp to 29’C
4. Use clean ammonia – no bubbles or perfumes (I liked that one)
5. Check your ammonia levels everyday at the same time – I used 8PM for the check and for ammonia adding as it was easy to check later in the cycle at 8AM for the 12 hour checks.

I could go on but I’m sure if you need somebody to (go on) they probably will.

Good luck.


Ps. I did add some ceramic media quite early on also.

Oo and today I had to check @ 11 hours because of a family day out = nice and blue (Nitrite) :wub:

And I have found a new fish shop (LFS) with staff that seem to know there stuff! will confirm later.

Well we carried on with both Nitrite and Ammonia @ 0ppm at 12 hours for another two days "7 in total" so last night I did my big water change, let the pump cycle for a good hour with the dechlorinator in there at 28'C, added the media and then let it clear for a few hours plus the obligatory water checks - all ok PH7.6 Ammo 0ppm, Nitrite 0ppm and Nitrate at 10-20ppm.

I then swapped some of my plecs over to the new tank and they seem really happy, I have a pair plus eleven teenagers plus a new clutch of eggs that I noticed a few days ago, So out came mum and the teenagers in to the new tank with dad looking after the clutch.

I will be getting a few things for the tank in the next few days like bogwood and some new plants and of course a few new fish.

I will post a few pics in the next few days for you to have a laugh at ;)

But finally thank you to all that have helped with advice through the process of Fishless cycling - without which I would still be struggling.

Paul. :thumbs:
That's all brill Paul - well done! And good luck with it for the future - you know what has to come next though - PICS!!!!! ;)
Well here a few pics, I only planted tonight so there are still bits of debris floating around.

You will have to excuse the lack of description as I don't know what I bought - only that I liked the look of it.

There will be two pieces of bogwood soon but at the moment they are in a pan having their butts boiled!!

Any suggestions welcome -_-

Side view - ah just found my baby albino - 1st pic left hand side near bottom.

My plec cave

Red Eyed Tetras

The lime green bag has Java inside - hopefully will grow through soon!!

Well there it is so far, there is a small Black/Marble Angel and three plecs in there but they are camera shy.

It is worth the wait with the fishless C, thanks for the comment - it is quite sparse at the moment but I have a few things on the boil - literally.

I need some more plants and of course fish but slow and steady.

Also have looked at CO2 for the plants but I got scared, too much information.

Have you had a look at UKAPS as yet - they lost me with Jargon :huh:

I started off with some Bogwood ... just poured boiling water over mine, and then soaked it for 2 weeks, it leached tannins for a bit, but not too much :)

Can't wait to see more pics when that's in ... you going to attach some Java to it, or Anubias?

Talking of CO2 :D ... I've just bought myself a little 12l ready for a nice iwagumi ... got my light today for it, so will be getting plants next, and will be doing DIY CO2 I think, I've seen a few guides on how to do it with the 2 litre bottle and my own mixture so will be trying it out :)
You'll laugh, I had a Pice of BW before I knew to Boil it and it leached for two years :lol:

I did make a diy CO2 out of a 1L pop bottle, 2M of airline and a Diffuser off of Ebay - a mix of 1tsb of Yeast plus 2Tbsp of suger half full of warm water and it bubbles away nicely (for 10days) - but I am scared to run it now there are fish in there!

Hi Paul, congratulations on your tank it looks great!

Now comes the fun part of adding all those long awaited fish, so enjoy, and keep us updated on your progress. :good:

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