My Complete Roma 125 Journal.

i upgraded to a tetratech 1200 rather than the bulky u3. cant wait for some decor ideas from you :hyper:

have you thought of any stocking suggestions yet?
i upgraded to a tetratech 1200 rather than the bulky u3. cant wait for some decor ideas from you :hyper:

have you thought of any stocking suggestions yet?

I have a nice plan to stock:
12 Neon Tetras
6 Corys (Not decided which type yet)
2 Dwarf Gouramis
1 Bristlenosed Pleco

ah nice :) what is the fish in yoursig?

The fish in my sig is a betta fish, one of the best looking I have ever come across.

Unfortunately, it isn't one of my fishes and was just found on Google Images.

Gosh, it's been a busy day!
I've managed to clean my play sand, put the sand in my tank, fill the tank, soak my bogwood and throw my bogwood in; all within 5 hours!

I'd post a photo of how it currently looks however it would be pointless as it's rather cloudy. I've added some filter aid to help it clear up quicker.

It looks like it's time to order my plants and to get my first dose of ammonia in!

AWESOME! :hyper:
Do you have a pic now the water should have settled??

It's still light here as it's only 3PM however I seem to have got a photo without any reflections.

Here's how my tank looks at the moment:
funny enough its 3.30pm here now :) haha
tank looks good, love the wood it looks nice! Going to look fantastic with the plants in there!!! Have you thought what plants you are going to put where? lol
I have no idea yet. :lol:
Where I put the wood was only supposed to be temporary until I get some plants but now the water has cleared it actually looks quite good.

I know what plants I want (below), but I don't know how many and where to put them yet!

  • Amazon Swords
  • Java Ferns
  • Corkscrew Vallis
  • Some sort of Anubias
  • Java Moss
With my tank I have the vallis going half across the back and in the corner on one side and my swords on the other. But it depends if you are going for just planted with no theme or if you want a themed scape. I had my anubias for a few weeks in the pot before I decided last night which piece of bogwood to attach it to. Same with some of my java ferns, I attached them to a small piece before deciding which larger piece to put them on. I'm still not happy with mine though haha!!!
You could also get some dwarf hairgrass which is nice as a foreground carpet plant.
I'm just aiming to get simple plants that don't need much attention or much light as I've never really had much luck with them. I'm not going to stick to a theme or anything, I'm just going to try create something that looks good to my eye an hopefully, others too! :lol:

I need to win tank of the month at one point this year to make myself happy.:p I better get to it, I only have 9 months.:unsure:
Haha exactly what I want. Just a nice tank! Hope it goes well! Ive only just started mine too! Lets hope I beat you haha! Nah I prob will never enter. My tank will never be good enough
The photo in your sig looks great in my opinion!
Thanks but thats actually my old tank! I haven't got a good enough pic of my new tank that I am happy with to change it!!! lol!

It used to be a nice little tank, but I needed bigger :) also got rid of the fakeness of the skull and bridge etc!!!
Well, if that's an old tank then I'm sure your new one will be scaped much better and will look much better. :)

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