My Cats


Fish Crazy
Nov 26, 2004
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Maidstone, Kent, UK
My babies the grey one (burmese) is lilly my softie, she sleeps in ther bed under the covers in the middle of me and my bf, the brown is Bailey, he is lillies son. When they are not on the bed they have radiator beds in my room and they have one each and they love them !




sometimes next to each other just isnt good enough !


and here is Tom the snow bengal he is huge but has the tiniest mew ever!




thanks for looking !
Ahhhh you have such gorgeous cats Dulce :wub: And your Bengal looks so much like my Sushi did :-(

Your Burmese just look so soft and asking to be stroked !

I'd like to nominate that pic of them together face-2-face for POTM :wub:

Odd how you say he has the tiniest mew - Sushi was the most silent cat I've even known and also very "softly spoken".

Hope you don't mind, and I don't want to hijack but here are my two snuggling up.

thanks bloo, they are such cuties - my b/f jokes i pay them more attention than him ! SO sad about yr sushi - Tom has a HUGE growl if he is unhappy but his mew is so high pitched and quiet its hilarious - he doesnt mind water either, stays out in the rain and where his coat is so thick brings in mud, leaves you name it then he rolls on the sheets soaking them - he is the muckiest cat !
haha - sushi used to bellow & stomp if he wanted to go out the house (which he wasn't allowed) - but otherwise it was the tiniest almost not audible of mew's. Like a little mouse squeak.

Sushi used to love water and sit on the side of the bath while I had a shower - or more fun was to ambush and attack me through the shower curtain :X I sometimes got such a fright when he jumped waist high and hung onto me through the shower curtain. I do miss him - but would never have a Bengal as an indoor cat again :no:
they are boisterous, Tom often stays out for a day or two we have barns with fork lift trucks in (dads business) and he goes up in the barns hunting and sleeps on the seats, we hire them out and alot of our customers end up with white fur all over them - we have had to start brushing them off ! He also leaves yummy half eaten rabbit carcasses in there ! He would go mad inside, he even rules the garden and bullies the dogs (german shepherd and ridgeback) !

When he does come in he demands attention - the 100g packets are his favourite and he eats up to 5 in a row !! He is a sod for hiding and jumping out and attacking your ankles !
:lol: it reminds me so much of the things Sushi used to do. He also attacked my ankles. Especially if they stuck out under the duvet :X I woke up one morning with long gashed on my ankles and feet - how I didn't feel it (happen), I have no clue. But they were definitely cat scratches ;)

Ah - it sounds like Tom has exactly the life I wanted for Sushi - just ideal. He's a very lucky boy !
First, I second Bloozoo's nod on the two Burmese, so cute. The bengal is gorgeous too. Lovely cats Dulce. I love the more exotic species. I just think that my white Turk, Lily is the cat's meow. Orientals have so much personality.

Second, sorry for the hi-jack Dulce, but Bloozoo, is that a Havana brown next to your bengal? Or just an oriental shorthair. That is a striking cat nevertheless.

Omigosh omigosh, I'm in love with all of them :wub:
I've always wanted a purebred cat, but have never gotten one... maybe after I move...
My friend's uncle breeds bengals (Mystre's Bengals) and my friend has one, they are amazing cats! So big and muscular... I love the long faces of the orientals though, like your Shaka, bloozoo2. I'm thinking of a Javanese or longhaired Oriental for myself... what I'd really like is a serval though :shifty:
Bloo Shaka is lovely - face is so similar to my mums seal point siamese we lost last year ! anyone else got pics of their orientals ?? I woke up this morning - walked down the stairs to find a half eaten baby rabbit - little sods, lilly was eating it and growling at Bailey not letting him near despite the fact that i know Bailey caught it cause Lilly was laid up in bed with me !!!
Bloo Shaka is lovely - face is so similar to my mums seal point siamese we lost last year ! anyone else got pics of their orientals ?? I woke up this morning - walked down the stairs to find a half eaten baby rabbit - little sods, lilly was eating it and growling at Bailey not letting him near despite the fact that i know Bailey caught it cause Lilly was laid up in bed with me !!!
Thanks Dulce :) There are so many Orientals (and Siamese too actually) with extremely narrow faces and often cross / squinty eyes, really small heads, extremely large ears at almost at 180 degrees and a voice that sounds like nails on a chalk boad :crazy: - I don't like those :no:

I've always wanted a purebred cat, but have never gotten one... maybe after I move...
He has some lovely cats - have you been to see them and the cattery ? Bengals are really amazing cats, but they have very unique characters and needs - being a relatively "new" domestic breed I think people need to understand that before jumping in a buying a "cool cat".

I grew up with Siamese and since I was a little girl, wanted a black Oriental male cat. So when I had my first place on my own with no one elses permission to ask (and earning enough money to buy such an expensive pet :S ) I went and got Shaka.

A neighbour just round the corner from us has 2 Burmese, and I always worry when I seem them outside - they are such ultra friendly beautiful cats and anyone could easily pick them up and walk away with them :X
He has some lovely cats - have you been to see them and the cattery ?
Yes, I went with my friend to pick up her kitten. Their stud Derringer is indescribable! Massive muscular cat, like a body builder :hyper:
I think as high maintenance cats go orientals are way up there - my mums siamese who died last year was SUCH a picky eater wold turn her nose up at prawns and salmon, mum completelt spoilt her but she was still incredibly thin !

Bengals are such a new domestic breed - tom still has wild cat outbursts every now and then growling and kicking !!! He was born with a spine deformation and broke his hip somehow by the time he was 3 and gets problems with his legs so he is on low painkilling dose every day - he certainly is not the easiest cat !

Bloo i also grew up with Siamese our lilac point was incredibly independant compared to our seal point who never wanted to do anything except sit on yr lap!

Roxy our seal point was sooo pretty though:




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