My Brackish Tank...

Bit worried about the lighting though. IME, a single standard aquarium lighting tube isn't enough for plants to do well, or even hang in there. Anubias might get by, but that's about it. The Vallisneria certainly won't. So I suspect you'll need to at least double the amount of light.

On the flip side, as soon as you get enough light for the Vallisneria to do well, the Anubias will get covered in algae. Anubias is adapted to shady environments, and almost always does best planted under something rather than in the open.

Wholesale Trops is one of my favourite stores in London. Always manage to find something nice. Do keep your eyes peels in the livebearers/killifish section. Any of the small but robust species would work well with Figure-8s and gobies. Xenotoca eiseni (too much a fin-nipper for the average tank) for example, or the Florida Flagfish (great algae eaters, by the way).
Thanks for the tip on the lighting. I was unsure about the single bulb myself and have plans for a future upgrade. What you say about anubias makes sense and I now know why it does so startlingly well in my other aquaria with the relatively low lighting levels in some of them. I'll bear the shade need in mind when I tie them to the wood.
My favourite section at wholesale trops is the killifish area. So many people seem to walk right by it because the fish aren't large or showy. I'll look those recommendations up, thankyou!

Enjoying the book btw...just what I needed :D

Great looking tank :good: even though im not much of an artificial person, that car doesnt look TOO bad in there :lol:
The marimo moss balls, vallis and that bogwood look great in there :D Nice job!
See you soon
Thanks Connor! Nice to meet you yesterday :good:
I am hoping the car will get better with age :lol:

Thanks for the comments peeps. More progress being made tonight with pics to follow :hyper:
Ok, so I've got pruned fingers again...wood's in, plants sort of attached...the java fern hardly has any rooting to it...when you undo the sponge and weight strip, there are almost just leaves there...I've managed to wedge the anubias in too.

The bubble wall is under the beetle which is now not screaming out so much and the air diffuser has gone from the filter.

This was the first effort...

but I didn't like how your eyes were drawn off to the left.

Second attempt

much better

happier now the beetle is a little less focussed

I expect it'll all change again as I feel I need to give the BBGs more hiding places, but overall I am liking it. I expect I'll try fiddling again soon as I think I need more hiding places for the future BBGs? :D
So, here's some pics of my new F8 and the gobies :hyper:


The best shot out of millions and I need to work on my night time shots :lol:







The gobies are just collectively known as 'The Swarm'



Name suggestions welcomed :good: :lol:

I like Spotty Muldoon and the OH likes was going to be called Valentine as it's a giftfrom the OH, and got shortened to Val and then Doonican :lol: Still undecided as yet.
The gobies are funny little fish...




They're laying claim to their own territories already and arguing over moss balls etc :D
I do love Fig8 Puffers, mine are like a pair of kids always playing about and coming up to the glass for a nosey :D
Wow, didn't realise they had that big of a mouth (compared to their body size :p)
Someone's had some mussel tonight...


The resultant belly


He keeps swimming up and down the glass atm so I hope he'll settle down eventually :unsure:

At the mo he's called Doonican by the OH and (spotty) Muldoon by me.

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