Fish Crazy
I tend to get a lot of nipped fins with the males and females together in one tank. I do not have a problem with fin rot nor has there been any deaths. I did notice that one male is after a certain female to spawn. He has not gone after any of the other females in the tank... just this one. He also runs off any other males in the area who are attempting to get near the female. The female remains near him at all times. Obviously forming a pair. There are two dominant males in the tank. Both about the same size while the other males are smaller. I also think the females are more aggressive in this situation.
I've found that once the males are removed and have their own territory, they then become very aggressive and nasty. Kept in a community setting, they do have set to's but usually both fish dash off.
I've found that once the males are removed and have their own territory, they then become very aggressive and nasty. Kept in a community setting, they do have set to's but usually both fish dash off.