My 50 Gallon Tank

:blink: :blink: oops. actually completely missed that :blush: please post when you figure out! I've never set up such a large tank or a low-tech. interested in following :)

Haha. It's okay. And will do! I will hopefully be getting the tank this weekend :)
I'm following you as well, as I have never set up a large tank lol. I know that what we are doing is completely different (i'm doing rocks, you are doing plants) but we both have the same things that we have to consider lol i.e lighting, filtration, gallons or swimmable water available...

Haha. Ya. I'll get the tank within a week, and continue planning for a few more weeks. Then a few weeks or months of getting the hardware and cycling. Then set everything up. Then find places online/near me that sell what I want. I'll probably be ending up getting the fish for Christmas xD
I'm in the same boat. I have the tank and all, but I have a lot of rocks to clean because I found the limestone at the cliffs near my home. I also have ALOT of sand to clean lol. Ill be going out of town beginning of November so I will have to wait to start the fishless cycle. I am looking at xmas time as far as fish too lol
:blink: :blink: oops. actually completely missed that :blush: please post when you figure out! I've never set up such a large tank or a low-tech. interested in following :)

Haha. It's okay. And will do! I will hopefully be getting the tank this weekend :)
I'm following you as well, as I have never set up a large tank lol. I know that what we are doing is completely different (i'm doing rocks, you are doing plants) but we both have the same things that we have to consider lol i.e lighting, filtration, gallons or swimmable water available...

Haha. Ya. I'll get the tank within a week, and continue planning for a few more weeks. Then a few weeks or months of getting the hardware and cycling. Then set everything up. Then find places online/near me that sell what I want. I'll probably be ending up getting the fish for Christmas xD
I'm in the same boat. I have the tank and all, but I have a lot of rocks to clean because I found the limestone at the cliffs near my home. I also have ALOT of sand to clean lol. Ill be going out of town beginning of November so I will have to wait to start the fishless cycle. I am looking at xmas time as far as fish too lol

Haha. Ya. So much to do, but so little time. I wish I had gotten started in summer so that I would've had several months to do nothing except it >_<
Dieses, you do know the limestone will mess with the water perameters...... :unsure: Sandstone is another no no as it can leach large amounts of bad minerals pretty easily.

I've gone with some slate, equivalent to 21 litres water volume (i measure what i took out). But the look is worth it.
Dieses, you do know the limestone will mess with the water perameters...... :unsure: Sandstone is another no no as it can leach large amounts of bad minerals pretty easily.

I've gone with some slate, equivalent to 21 litres water volume (i measure what i took out). But the look is worth it.
Limestone is calcium based so it will buffer the pH to where is needs to be, based on the pH I am looking for. Malawis require I higher pH. Any type of rock or substrate that will buffer the pH is fine. I have spoken with a couple of cichlid experts on this.
No offence ment, i have been looking into the different stone i can use, thats all :good:
So I've edited my stock list a lot. I would appreciate some advice for small, colorful, schooling fish to fill up the tank more.
Neon Tetras
Cardinal Tetras
Black Widow Tetras
Harlequin Rasboras
Rummynose Tetras
Tiger Barbs

the list I could name is huge.

I personally like Harlequins myself :) They aren't colorful, but they are black and silver, and look just amazing in a large school.
I'm not exactly sure. schooling fish are not my area of expertise lol. If you have any livebearer questions, by all means.
Haha. I would love guppies, but I wouldn't be able to deal with all the babies >_<
Haha. I would love guppies, but I wouldn't be able to deal with all the babies >_<
I don't have a fry tank lol. That is how I keep the population controlled. The babies that can't hide well enough get gulped by the bigger fish. If I have too many survivors, then I rehome them to people for free.
Haha. I would love guppies, but I wouldn't be able to deal with all the babies >_<
I don't have a fry tank lol. That is how I keep the population controlled. The babies that can't hide well enough get gulped by the bigger fish. If I have too many survivors, then I rehome them to people for free.

That's smart. I wonder if my Gold Gourami would eat them.
Haha. I would love guppies, but I wouldn't be able to deal with all the babies >_<
I don't have a fry tank lol. That is how I keep the population controlled. The babies that can't hide well enough get gulped by the bigger fish. If I have too many survivors, then I rehome them to people for free.

That's smart. I wonder if my Gold Gourami would eat them.
Probably. The best population control is having a couple of bigger fish, like Platys o r swrdtail. Platys and sword LOVE the way babies taste. Right now I have 6 female platys, 2 male swords, 12+ unsexed juvies, 4 albino cories, 5 harlequin rasboras, and an Albino BN plec.
Cool. Thanks for the advice :)

So a change of plans. The dude's 55 Gallon broke, so now I'm buying his 36x18x18 50 Gallon breeder tank. Shorter in height and length, but much wider.

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