My 50 Gallon Tank


Fish Crazy
Sep 17, 2011
Reaction score
Maine, USA
Fish to think about:
20 Cherry Red Shrimp - Aquabid
10 Green Neon Tetras - R.F. Fish

Plants to think about:
Vesicularia Montagnei (Christmas Moss) -
Echinorodus Bleheri (Amazon Sword) -
Eleocharis Parvula (Dwarf Hairgrass) -
Chladophora Aegagropila (Moss Ball) -
Hemianthus Callitrichoides (Dwarf Baby Tears) -
Echinorodus tenellus (Narrow Leaf Chain Sword) -
Nymphaea Stellata (Dwarf Lily) -

CO2 -
Fluval Plant Stratum -
Sponge Heater

Where To Buy Fish:
It sounds lovely. I cannot comment on the stock as I know pretty much nothing about the fish you chose. I would love to see pictures of the completed project :)
That may be a bit heavily stocked there, 55 fish that's like a gallon per fish, might be ok bit sounds a lot to me. Look forward to seeing the tank. :)
I think I'll be fine as long as I get a good filter and plenty of hiding spots. When I do start stocking though if it looks to be cramped I will adjust the numbers.
I think I'll be fine as long as I get a good filter and plenty of hiding spots. When I do start stocking though if it looks to be cramped I will adjust the numbers.
a good guide to follow is 1 inch of fish per gallon....its not an exact science, as with some fish you can do more provided the filtration is good, but I would concentrate of having adequate numbers of each species, rather than a diversity of species (although, like I said, i do not know much about the fish you chose, so i do not know if your numbers are adequate.)

Another thing to think of is that aquarium decor and plants take up volume in the tank, so you dont actaully have 55g of water.
Good point. I took out the Blue Tetras since they can get nippy.
I have a tank of similar volume and looking at stocking/plants, the way its looking we might only have 4or5 species in there just with good proper shoal sized sized groups.
I have a tank of similar volume and looking at stocking/plants, the way its looking we might only have 4or5 species in there just with good proper shoal sized sized groups.
i was setting up a cichlid tank, and actaully bought a bigger one as the rockwork ate up a lot of room. That way I could up the numbers of each species, and possibly add another one. When i bought my 55g, I didn't take into consideration the 50lbs of rock that it would take to create a nice environment for the fish.
Lighting: No idea yet
Filter: No idea yet
Substrate: Either regular or black sand
Heater: No idea yet
Tank Dimensions: 48x20x13
:blink: :blink: oops. actually completely missed that :blush: please post when you figure out! I've never set up such a large tank or a low-tech. interested in following :)
:blink: :blink: oops. actually completely missed that :blush: please post when you figure out! I've never set up such a large tank or a low-tech. interested in following :)

Haha. It's okay. And will do! I will hopefully be getting the tank this weekend :)
:blink: :blink: oops. actually completely missed that :blush: please post when you figure out! I've never set up such a large tank or a low-tech. interested in following :)

Haha. It's okay. And will do! I will hopefully be getting the tank this weekend :)
I'm following you as well, as I have never set up a large tank lol. I know that what we are doing is completely different (i'm doing rocks, you are doing plants) but we both have the same things that we have to consider lol i.e lighting, filtration, gallons or swimmable water available...
:blink: :blink: oops. actually completely missed that :blush: please post when you figure out! I've never set up such a large tank or a low-tech. interested in following :)

Haha. It's okay. And will do! I will hopefully be getting the tank this weekend :)
I'm following you as well, as I have never set up a large tank lol. I know that what we are doing is completely different (i'm doing rocks, you are doing plants) but we both have the same things that we have to consider lol i.e lighting, filtration, gallons or swimmable water available...

Haha. Ya. I'll get the tank within a week, and continue planning for a few more weeks. Then a few weeks or months of getting the hardware and cycling. Then set everything up. Then find places online/near me that sell what I want. I'll probably be ending up getting the fish for Christmas xD

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