My 22nd betta, Sam


Fish Aficionado
Feb 14, 2005
Reaction score
Near Madison, WI
The 22nd betta that I've drug home thus far came home with me today.
He made a 50+ mile trip home with me from WalMart in Lake Delton, WI.
Not sure if I can even say that word in this forum anymore, but who cares - I can at least tell you where I got him from.

I basically had 7 near dead boys to choose from. Sam was one of those colorless, lifeless bodies that nobody in their right mind would pick up to take home - ESPECIALLY if it cost three dollars and fourty seven cents. It seemed as if the only body part he could move was his eyeballs and he kept looking at me - he was resting against the side of his cup. I put him into my little basket and immediately checked out. I held him in my hand the entire trip home. Never once in the entire 45 minute trip did he come up for air. I stopped along the way and dumped out some water for him so he only had about 3/4" water, but he still never came up for air.

He's acclimating in his little cup on the kitchen counter as I type this. It's going to be a very long process before he goes into his new little home. I came right home and carefully dosed out some Maracyn 2 and got a little 1/2 gallon tank set up for him. It's got only about an inch and a half of water and I stole a big sprig of cabomba from my girls for him. They gladly agreed to give it up.

I don't have very high hopes for him to make it through the night, but if that is the case - at least this way the little guy will get to die comfortably, knowing that somebody loved him for just a little while and he will not have to die without having been given a name.

I thought of the name Sam as I drove out of the parking lot.
If anyone can nurse him back to health you can BettaMomma.

Sounds like my day. (Starts out a little sad, But I think It has a happy ending)

I have a very bad habit of walking next door to PETCO on my lunch. They usually get a new shipment on Wed, or Thurs. Buy the 3rd day or so, all the ones left on the shelf are half dead. All with some degree of fuzz. I keep torturing myself by going over to see what came in. I have given up complaining. They haven't changed in the 3 months I have been doing my weekly visits.

Today there were about 10 left. Every one of them, sick. Some very bad, a couple others you wouldn't know they were ill, unless you knew about bettas. Those are the ones I really feel sorry for. I always imagine some poor unsuspecting kid picking out a new fish, only to wake up the next morning to see that some furry creature has taken it's place. By then there is little hope, or slim chance the parent will go back to medicate. That is why I tend to bring home the hard to tell that they are sickies.

I had a hard time choosing between 2. One was a very pretty multi shade of turq veil. He had a big patch of fuzz on his head, and large black, fuzz covered patches scattered on his fins. I was afraid he might be too far gone, so I decided on the other.

My new boy looks like he may be a delta/ct mix. Mostly platinum(?) body, w/a peachy head. His fins have some red, and black (or blue?). Because of the platinum, it looks orangy or pink, and bluish or grey. He has som dark red, and black dots, like a dalmation. (I have only noticed all this about his color, in the last hour or so.) I put him in some fresh water, and meds right away. Already he is flaring at a neighbor.

I hate to leave 9 poor little sickies at the store, but I can't realistically bring home 10 fish a week. I have so many bettas, that now, I have to sneak them in. Once they are in, my fiance has no idea it is new. I'm talking like 50. But, most are females together in 2 tanks. About 20 are males.

I told my mother about the other guy. If he is still there (alive) tomorrow. I'm bringing him home for her. SO, I am starting a betta adoption program. I told my mother to find good homes with people she works with. I will keep picking up the poor little sickies, and get them BETTA. Then she will bring them to work, to be adopted. Adoption fee $4. MY COST= cost $3.77 w/tax + the cost of meds. I hope to save at least 1 a week for now.
I think it's okay as long as we're talking about the fish, and not just bitching about the store.

Too bad really.
Come on, Sam! You can do it!

He only has two options, and both of them aren't too bad sounding.

1, he will pull through all thanks to bettamomma, or

2, he will die peacefully in clean water knowing someone cared for him, again thanks to bettamomma.

So really, no matter which way you slice it, the fish has an ok fate.
awww i dont know what to say, kinda sad....i hope he pulls thru, i just got my first pair recently, and i did so much research on them to make sure they were in a healthy environment, which they r :D ...i never knew there were ppl like u who actually cared like that that is sooooo awesome.....well......ill stop writing now bye bye
Good news so far - he's still alive.
He's in his new little tank.
He insists on laying on the little marbles - I knew he'd be laying on the bottom so I picked some very flat smooth blue marbles for him. I've been waiting for a special occasion to use them.

He is being very still and not breathing quite as hard as he did. Not too sure if that's a good or bad sign.

Oh well - we'll see how he does, and hope that he hangs in there.

It's going to be tomorrow morning when I open my eyes and dread peeking into his bowl that will be the worst. :/ Hopefully I'll be pleasantly surprised.

Hmm - I guess that wasn't a very long "everyone at my house is healthy" streak, was it?
Bettamom, don't mean to hijack your thread. But jasong, your pair are in seperate tanks, right? Glad to see you did your research. More people should heed your advice.
o yeah definately separated she is in a 2.5 gallon bowl with decor. and he is in a 10gal half full with ghost shrimp and decor. i wanna use the 10 for both but i dont know what to use for a divider...any suggestions?...without having to buy something...thanx
Ahem... so how to make a divider... Get a piece of plastic canvas (from a fabric store in the needlepoint section... just ask). And a set of those report covers with the sliders.
That looks like them, but they aren't that expensive. You then get some aquarium sealant from your local hardware store, attach the report cover sliders to the inside of the tank very well (open side to the inside of the tank). Wait 24 hours... doot doo doo... then cut the plastic canvas to fit the inside of the tank and voila! You slide the canvas in the report sliders (which isn't that easy... heh) and you have a divided tank!

And go Sam!! I'm sayin' a prayer for you tonight. And I agree with Orky. Either way he goes, at least he's happy. *hugs*

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