My 1St Planted Tank In A Rio 180 ... Going Low-Tech

i agree with a 7hr photoperiod to start off. it helps minimize algae, and after 4weeks raise it up to 8-10hrs. :good:

True if you are dosing ferts, which I do not do, so I can start with a longer photo-period.
i agree with a 7hr photoperiod to start off. it helps minimize algae, and after 4weeks raise it up to 8-10hrs. :good:

True if you are dosing ferts, which I do not do, so I can start with a longer photo-period.

it helps in any case, although i do agree it isnt as important in a low tech tank due to slower growth.
Any ammonia or nitrite quickly kills shrimp off. The same goes for excess copper (although the Profito is fine and wouldn't have caused this). The recent heat we have had could have been the cause. It depends how hot the tank got.

Nitrite and Ammonia were the very first things i tested for after lifting the shrimp out. But both were 0.
The only other thing i added was Hikari Crab Cuisine (3 sticks) and they stayed in overnight.
I hadn't considered the heat issue. I think i will let the plants establish and add some fish before trying with shrimp again.

i agree with a 7hr photoperiod to start off. it helps minimize algae, and after 4weeks raise it up to 8-10hrs. :good:

True if you are dosing ferts, which I do not do, so I can start with a longer photo-period.

Thanks for your interest in what i am doing, i like the opinions as it gives me something to learn and consider.

I am considering dosing Sera Florena and Profito to the tank, is this unnecessary? or will they contain different nutrients?
Just wanted to share some more pictures of the plants with you...




Hope you enjoy! I'm loving my first ever aquatic flower!
I am going to MA in Syon Park tomorrow to pick up some cardinal tetra for the tank. Planning on 6 to begin with and let them establish before adding 6 more.

Still think the other inmates will be 4 Sterbai Corys, Pair of Blue Rams, 2/3 or 4 Otos and more cherry shrimp. Might end up adding some more black neon tetra down the line for variety. Depends how i get on with the cardinals.

Hopefully i can get my moss wall underway and also get some java moss established on my bogwood, i think this will help get a mature feel to the tank, especially when the plants spread out more.

I picked up the Tetra Bloodworm box of sachets. There was far too much for the current stock of 5 fish that i have, but i think when i have a tank full it'll be a good alternative. I was impressed at how fresh it looked. I think i will end up picking up some more from the range if i can get them closer to £3. I like the fact its all designed to be eaten/helpful to the tank.
The new cardinals are in

Here is a quick pic... Sorry for the poor quality but my proper camera ran out of batteries and i can't find the charger yet. :angry:


I have used a cut up shower puff to thoroughly attach the java moss to my bogwood. I have a bit left over and i just "bagged" it up and hopefully it will grow out a bit more to cover something else! :rolleyes:


I also relocated my Java Ferns to a new bogwood cut-off. I have used polyester thread to attach them this time after sooo many people had a giggle at my push pins :hyper:

So here is how the tank looks, sorry for the Algae patch on the glass. Water change tomorrow. But i am adding 2 Otos soon so i might leave it for them... Do they eat this kind of Algae :huh: ?????


This is tiny because i am using it for my sig pic too. It gives me a good reason to add a decent picture when the Otos arrive.

So i wont be cleaning that off then! Good excuse :lol: . I have read in many place that one of the main reasons Otos can die within the first couple of weeks is because of a lack of food or the change in conditions. Hopefully i can cover all aspects and give them the best chance to have a long and happy life!

Is there a specific reason i am getting this particular Brown Algae (i'll probably go search around the forum in the morning too)
Brown algae happens in most setups and will just disappear without too much fuss.
Usually it goes in most areas of the tank but I've only ever got it where direct sunlight hits the tank.
Brown algae happens in most setups and will just disappear without too much fuss.
Usually it goes in most areas of the tank but I've only ever got it where direct sunlight hits the tank.

Thanks, watching the tank i see it is the only spot which the sun can get to through the window. :rolleyes:

NEWS: The Otos are in. MA did 5 for £10 and they have started to clear the Algae in earnest. I'll put a comparison shot up of the Brown patch later to show you all what they can do! I was impressed i hours.

Also i hadn't realised i bought five police officers too. :lol: These little chaps have put my aggressive Penguin Tetra in their place. If i hadn't been watching when the lights were out, i wouldn't have seen three of them "shepherd" :sly: the Penguin away from them when he got a bit too close for their liking. I think they sussed him out straight away and he is slowly changing his ways! :D

I've got a water change tonight and then i'm keeping an eye on the levels to make sure i'm still staying stable then i'll add some more cardinals to build up the skool. Just placed an order for Hinkari Wafers and TPN+, plus the good lady is bringing home some spinach for the newbies :hyper:
I'll put a comparison shot up of the Brown patch later to show you all what they can do! I was impressed i hours.

Sorry to say i couldn't put up a comparison photo to show what 5 Otos can clear in a day ... because they had the lot. I have crystal clear glass thanks to these lil fellas.

I have been cultivating my own algae as quick as poss on wood/stones in a dish. I am going to try spinach too this week but my fridge/freezer just broke and i'm waiting til monday for a new one.

Just done a small shop so its all been whisked away to the mother-in-law's to stay frozen for the time being. :crazy:
I'll put a comparison shot up of the Brown patch later to show you all what they can do! I was impressed i hours.

Sorry to say i couldn't put up a comparison photo to show what 5 Otos can clear in a day ... because they had the lot. I have crystal clear glass thanks to these lil fellas.

I have been cultivating my own algae as quick as poss on wood/stones in a dish. I am going to try spinach too this week but my fridge/freezer just broke and i'm waiting til monday for a new one.

Just done a small shop so its all been whisked away to the mother-in-law's to stay frozen for the time being. :crazy:

do they poop alot?
do they poop alot?

Wow yes, loads of :sick: . I think this is useful in my planted tank, though not 100% sure :unsure: . I guess if it causes algae growth its a good natural cycle for the Otos. I do pretty regular weekly water changes so it all gets hoovered up no probs. I was only planning on getting 3 Otos, but the price and fact that sometimes they are prone in the first few weeks meant i have played an averages game i guess :blush: .

Hopefully all will be fine and go crazy for the veggies and algae wafers that should arrive next week.

I think next weekend we will be adding another 5 cardinals if all my levels stay stable. I'm doing a test before water change on tuesday.
Just wanted to add an update of whats been happening the last few days:

1. I still have all 5 Otos happily munching on the glass and the Vallis. I have bought some Hinkari Algae Wafers and they love 'em.
2. I also picked up some TPN+ and i am going to start dosing this in my tank and supplement with Profito at a lower dose.
3. I did a water test yesterday and everything is my usual levels.
4. I am going to build my Xmas Moss wall soon. I am going to try the "stitching" technique rather than the "sandwich" technique. I'll add photos of that as and when i have everything i need.
5. I am picking up some more fish this weekend. Either 5 more Cardinals or Some Sterbai Corys. What do you think should be next?

I haven't solved my Penguin Tetra problems yet :no: he still seems intent on pestering all the other smaller fish, he's driving me mad. I've put a FREE advert on every forum i'm a member of but no one has shown an interest. Anything else i can do?? :unsure:

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