My 1000l Plan


Mar 21, 2009
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surrey uk
ok i have a wall dividing my dining room and hallway i was thinking of double backing two tanks on either side of the wall one fish only the other reef. these 400l tanks would be connected with a 200l sump under one of the tanks and the two will share water andpumps etc. so could the LR in the reef supply the fish only too? and the tank with the sump not under it will have two pipes through the wall to the sump. with two separate return pumps. I want to know will this work and will it work well?

i dont see why no but if you go fish only and keep butterflys and angels and then get white spot it will be hard as you cant treat copper as you will kill the reef tank and you dont want to happen but i would go with to sepreat sumps to be on the safe side

regards scott
Just two things that seem to stand out to me, as scott said about diseases etc. Also, wont you have the sg at different levels for the tanks? Yet if you have one sump the different sg will be mixed?

I also agree, plus 200l sump for 800l display is very low, especially if you want a heavy bioload with fish only (no live rock) and then a reef tank on top of that.

I'd do 400l displays with 200l sumps on each.

If you don't have LR in your display tank for FO, I would chuck a ton of it in the sump if possible, or essentially double the amount of LR in your reef display. You may run into flow problem though.
oh i thought it would be a kill two birds with one stone scenario sharing epuipmet etc? i was thinking 80kg in the reef with one or two fish the size of a dwarf angel then having a piccaso trigger in the other? does sg make a difference? piccaso should thrive?
you can run a fish only at the same SG as a reef no problem. You can also run it a bit less and save some money if on a seperate system.

The reason that we say run them both seperate, you can use meds in the Fish only then without killing your corals.
rather than get 2 sumps, could you just get one and put a water tight divider down the middle? that would save a bit of money and you can still hve speerate sg

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