Mustard Gas spawns

wow lots of babays..

cool little pipe in there... do they actually go in there?

r those gonna be blue ??
They loove the pipe :rolleyes: They play chase through it :lol:

I'm not sure what color they will be. It's not a well established line like my mustard gas' so I'm curious too :hey: As of right now, I really can't tell, as you can see in the 2nd pic some are darker than others but all show blue and gold on the finnage (same fashion as the father)


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thellama said:
cool... big and small ones in the tank..
Yeah, there are a handful of runts. Good thing they pick on someone their own size.

Thanks Sorrell, I love watching them too :wub: :wub:
thats nuts... i guess them runts would die in the wild...

cool you dont cull them like some other foooooos would :D
thellama said:
cool you dont cull them like some other foooooos would :D
I haven't yet, I hate the thought of it but I dunno...what am I supposed to do with them?
I have 3 teeny tinies from my orange plakats. They're old now and they're itty bitty :rofl: I know they're culls and I'll never be able to DO anything with them can I kill such little survivors? They toughed it out with the big dogs :flex: I also feel like it's bad karma, I worked so so hard for that spawn and now I'm going to kill some :huh: can't do it.
I suppose that's why culling early is good :huh:

And I know I can't keep every single gimpy fish :X I'll cross that bridge when I come to it :)
LOL, you sound just like this friend of mine. She loves gimpy fish, looves them. She thinks it makes them unique. She took home 2 orangies a little over 2 months ago. They were just nothing, the size of 2 week olds and they were really like 6 weeks old. They never grew but she kept them alive :dunno: Then she went away over the July 4th weekend and they died without her care. She came over last night and told me, I could tell she was brokenhearted so I gave her pick of any orangie I had :rolleyes:
Another example of my terrible culling CT's. There are 2 who I injured with the syphon. They're bent terribly now but they don't act like it :lol: They're completely ruined and I suppose they're culls...but how can I kill someone who survives that? :eek: :dunno:

I'll keep you in mind :hey: :hey: You may wind up with a ton of tards :rofl:

i got a reject plakat from bcbettas..

i was lookin at them all..

she shows me all the nice ones..

then shes like..

and this ugly one is $5

but she gave it to me for free..

cause it was so weird looking.. fins were really weird.. extremely ugly plakat..

so i bred it with a super nice CT female mwahhahaahhha

but yea..

i take rejects :D
buy an Oscar , they help with culling humanly, weaker fish would get eatne in the wild anyway. not get tipped down the drain. :D
the skunk said:
buy an Oscar , they help with culling humanly, weaker fish would get eatne in the wild anyway. not get tipped down the drain. :D
eventually I will do that :byebye:
But thankfully I havent gotten to that point yet. That was probably gonna be my plans, buy a fish that can at least benfiet from that. :X I am gonna dread that day when I cull my first one. I got a person that will take a few here and there. If they arent in bad shape I will give them to a good home but a bent back or something dunno. :dunno:

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