Nice lookin zoas 
New additions, and a story behind it:
Ok heres the story, i bought them, acclimated etc, i placed the larger one into the egg-crate, I let go and whoosh the current took it away since the rock it was on was VERY VERY small. (i was wearing gloves at the time to protect me from zoanthids), my gloves were bulky and as i was chasing the ricordia, i displaced a peice of rock (the one that looks like acropora, and it made my middle big piece collapse which made the one that was holding it collapse. So here i am chasing a ricordea when my rocks collapse. It knocked my zoas to the sand, they immediatly closed up, i moved them out of harms way. Then i took off my gloves, and tried to set up the rock structures with many attempts, all this time the clownfish were looking at me funny (must have been my imagination but they were looking at me since i collapsed their cave that they call home) I finally got the thing up but i knocked my zoas over once again. I left it there and told myself dont pick it up until you have gloves on. So i tried various places to put my ricordea somewhere. None of them working, and i had to chase it again, with one time brushing my skin against a zoa. All this time the other polyp was in the bag, only the bag collapsed and all the water came out, again, and the other polyp was dry. THen i accidentally kicked the bag with the other polyp then having me realise that i had another polyp to take care of. So i put that in the tank and it stayed where i wanted it to go. Meanwhile the other ricordea is face down in the sand because the ricordea is heavier than the rock that it is on. then i tried putting it somewhere else didnt work and it kept slipping out of my hand since the rock piece was so small. A few times i had to touch the fleshy bit even though i didnt want too. Until i finally stuck it in the sand at the bottom corner of my tank after facing my powerhead into a wall.
So i hoped you liked that long story. The zoas are starting to very slowly open up again. and the ricordea's seems ok....