Musho3210's Reef Log

sealife and gulf view are the same as TBS, dump base rock in the ocean off the gulf coast. I saw someone who had sealife roc... WOW all these hitchhikers, beneficial algae, coralline, sponges, if it comes from the caribbean he had it.... yet there were like no pests.... So i guess those laws dont apply to sea life either....
If they dump rock to farm, all they have to do is get the appropriate ownership permits, and then they're free to collect as they wish. Thanks for the tips on the other two, I'll check em out.
i think i got this big snail with antennaes and everything as a hitchhiker, it was on my rocks when the lights when on and quickly hid when they came on.
ok got my CUC, the other snail type hitchhiker was a sea slug, i was told they were safe.

6 anstrea conehead snails
6 blue legged hermit crabs

I left out nassarius and my cleaner shrimp until my tank is more mature.
been a while since i updated

My cleanup crew did a good job removing my diatoms and a hairy type of algae which i dont know what it is, my snails took care of the glass (with a little encouragement) and my hermits took care of my rocks.

I downgraded my MJ 1200 to a MJ 600 but i added a hydor koralia 2. My hydor is at the left side of the tank near the front glass pointing diagnoly, and the MJ is on the oposite side pointing upwards.

Nothing has really changed yet so i dont see a purpose in pictures. Going on vacation on wednesday for 10 days so i'll have my halide on for only about an hour a day, and use a glass top to fight evaporation. Now that i have two pumps i dont need to worry about one failing.
ok ok i apologize, i cant be an update without pictures, plus i did change my aquascaping a little bit.

5 dollar fan i bought at target that i thought should have been worth 20 dollars since it is silent, works better than my fan that came with the sunpod, and has an on and off button which, ive noticed, that many things in this hobby doesnt have.

A clearer pic of my shroom before the rescape

FTS of my new scape which looks a lot like the old one.....

My pumps






And skimmate

Unfortunately no hermits came out to the camera.
Do you think i could add 1 tank bred neon goby to the stock? The reason for this is i want fish, but a pair of tank bred clownfish would cost a lot and i would rather spend that money on corals. So could my first fish be a neon goby? I still want the clowns but not as my first fish.

I dont know much about the care of neon gobies, so if anyone knows tell me please...

If i do get a neon goby could i get it a pistol shrimp?

If i do get a pistol shrimp i wont get a skunk cleaner or peppermint shrimp.

What are some other goby choices that i can pick besides the neon? I only want tank bred or tank raised specimens.
neon gobys are small little things which clean parasites and infections so yeh defo get one :p i was goign to get one but got a cleaner wrasse instead cus i wanted a wrasse lol!

neon gobys are also cheap :D
would they be good as my first fish? First fish in this tank and first fish in the hobby for me....
yeh i believe there easy to care for and rather hardy. also will do a good job keeping your clowns ich and paresite free, i know of a few people who wont set up a tank without them!!!
ok then, my first fish it is.

Anyone know what pistol shrimp goes good with them or if pistol shrimp should even be with them?
im not sure but i dont think neon gobys are what are called shrimp gobys, not 100% sure that they will pair but i guess you can still get a pistol shrimp, are they the ones that make the annoying clicking noises though :p
thought so i have one somewhere in my tank annoys the hell out of me i cant find it though!!!

if you want a shrimp goby pair i personally like: randalls shrimp goby and the tiger pistol shrimp combo

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