Musho3210's Reef Log


Fish Aficionado
Mar 28, 2007
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Hello, well a bit about how i started first.

On december 2006 my mom and i went to petsmart to buy dog stuff. As a joke i said "how about i get a fish tank for christmas" she very quickly said no. Well after the joke i thought about it and more and more i really did want a fish tank. So i brought up the topic a lot. We went to petsmart again another day and i was able to convince my mom to buy a fish tank. Oh boy was i excited, i planned freshwater of course. I bought a top-fin starter kit and a tank stand. The top fin kit included a top-fin 20 power filter, NO (normal output) fluorescent lights, and an all glass aquarium heater. I got all the equipment i needed including a book. I then joined a forum. Learning a lot of things i ended up buying more stuff for my tank since the original things i bought were no use. Mainly leaving the top-fin area for the more popular seachem and aquarium pharmacueticals etc. I upgraded my heater to a visi-therm stealth, i upgraded my filter to a bio-wheel, but i kept the lights. I upgraded my test strips to liquid tests. Not really paying attention i accidentally bought a reef test kit. Upon realising this at home i felt really bad since i felt that i wasted my moms money after all she had spent on me to start a new hobby. Very depressed i moved on without a liquid test kit. Then we got a coupon from petco where the liquid test kit was on sale and bought it then. After i bought the kit i started to want to upgrade tanks to a 55 gallon. I thought after i upgraded i would use the 20 gallon as a reef tank so that reef test kit wont go to waste. I started researching early january. I finally upgraded my freshwater tank to a 75 gallon and the 20 gallon was empty. I started buying equipment:

20H gallon tank
100w Visi-therm Heater
Tunze Nano DOC skimmer
1 Maxi-jet 1200 with Flo attachment
150 watt 14,000k MH lamp (sunpod)
Milwaukee instruments refractometer
25-30 pounds live rock
0-10 pounds base rock depending what would look good in my tank
20-30 pounds Carib-Sea Ooltic sugar grade aragonite sand, not live, aiming for 2.5 inches
Reef Crystals Salt
Melevs reef RO/DI unit
Garlic Guard
Omega one saltwater flake food
garlic guard
API reef master test kit
API saltwater master test kit
Kent turbo calcium
Kent marine buffer

I have everything there right now and will take a group picture of it all.

Here is what i plan on having as livestock

2 O. Clownfish
10+ Blue Legged hermit crab, amount will depend on how much algae i have
6+ Astraea Conehead Snail, amount will depend on how much algae i have
6+ Nassarius Snails, amount will depend on how much algae i have
1-2 Peppermint shrimp OR Scarlet Skunk Cleaner
0-1 Emerald Crab, amount will depend on how much algae i have
Mushroom corals
Polyp corals
Lots of LPS (want it to be an lps dominated tank)
Maxima or crocea clam
May include some macro algae.
Various hitchhikers i will be expecting from the live rock











Tank and stand:


Protein Skimmer:








RO/DI unit:



Getting Live Rock tomorrow :d:D:d:D:D
Wow, off to a great start Musho, good luck with the tank and I look forward to more pics :D
ok got my live rock, its in my tank, tank is at 1.025 s.g. I'll post pics later.
very cloudy in the tank after the live sand (i did rinse it), might need to wait until tomorrow for pics :(
Nice kit! :drool:

Why did you wash live sand - do you mean wash it around the tank to get free floating bits up?
On a side... nice little dessert you got going in the middle of the room (can see the reflection of the cacti in the middle of the room :shifty: )
I thought he was using it a hydroponics tank to grow erm... something :crazy: :drool:
oh sorry, i meant dry aragonite sand, im just used to saying live sand, it was the carib-sea dry sand :p. It has cleared up a bit, but i moved a few rocks around since i didnt like how it was and the cloud came back :(. Im loving the shimmer the light is giving....

Ok good and bad news:

Bad news: I found a polyp that looks sorta like a apstasia. But i got rock from another reefer who said it was in his system for over a year. How do i distinguish apstasia from polyps? It has a white base and white tips but everything else is transparent. When i poke it it kinda closes the same way a closed zoanthid looks. I cant get a picture, its all blurry and you cant see the polyp well since its transparent. It looks sorta like number 12 on this website

My ph is about 7.9, should i leave it like this for a while to see if it rises or should i add some of that Kent PH buffer? I dont know my KH yet so i guess i shouldnt. Plus i tested cloudy water so the color might be a bit lighter than usual, if so my ph is probably 8.0-8.1, but im nervous....

Good news: Rock is alive since i found life on it.... Also the skimmer works as it pulled out a lot of dust last night but i had the air intake all the way open. I closed it a lot today since it was pulling out a lot of water (full cup 250ml in like 8 hours), i need to replace it with some salt water....

They're cacti :)

The light is way to white, i need more blue.... When its time to change bulbs im going with those pheonixes.

I was about to test for calcium, KH, but i lost the color sheet thing. Anyone got a picture of there color card so i can compare?
Ok, this is the best i can do, it gives you a hint on how my aquascaping looks like (i will be just as surprised as you since i just put the rocks in and buried them a bit in the sand but i could barely see anything since it was cloudy):



Sand bed is about 3 inches deep, i kinda want a pistol shrimp.... But we'll see how it goes.
ammonia at .5 ppm, i turned off the air supply to the skimmer since i dont want it on during the cycle but i do want the small flow it provides.
nems probly majano(bad), ph is fine at 7.9, are u using the power head or are you just using flow form skimmer?

looks like ur off to a good start :good:
im using mj 1200, dang i wish they were good, they look nice..... I think that link i showed you are what they are upon closer inspection (i saw a few more).

Would peppermint shrimp eat majanos? I plan on getting a peppermint shrimp one day.

There not colorful but pictures of majano's are colorful, maybe that helps?

There are A LOT of them, too many to count, they are all very very small and they are so transparent that are pretty much invisible except their white dots on their polyps. If i must i will go to my lfs and see if they have joes juice or something.
They can some in several colours i seem to remember, if you dont like the look get some joes juice it claims to kill them off and ive herd they work a treat.

Nice scaping i could see that being a really nice reef, as its easy to place the corals etc. :good:

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