Thanks Guys!
I'll pass on the compliments to them...
I have posted them before on the apisto forum, at If you want to see some really amazing fry pics check out the posts there by wwwallace.
Actually the Dad has been a bit sick lately, maybe due to old age or the stress of spawning, he keeps to himself alot of the time now.
Unfortunately I lost most of the fry when I moved house a few weeks ago but fortunately all the other guys made it ok from my two tanks,a 50g bow front and a 25g. The 25g is home to two Red Claw Crabs, one of whom lost both his claws recently and has to be hand fed every day... They share with 1 honey and one dwarf Gourami, 2 bristlenose ancistrus and a few amano shrimp.
The big tank has 1 pair angels, 2 male+ 1 female Cacatuoides, 10 neon tetras, Gibbiceps Plec (known affectionately as 'The Gob'), Male Apistogramma Hongsloi,
3 Amano shrimp living in the filter and 4 Corydoras Julii.
I'll post pics of the rest of the gang in new post for those interested....
I'll pass on the compliments to them...
I have posted them before on the apisto forum, at If you want to see some really amazing fry pics check out the posts there by wwwallace.
Actually the Dad has been a bit sick lately, maybe due to old age or the stress of spawning, he keeps to himself alot of the time now.
Unfortunately I lost most of the fry when I moved house a few weeks ago but fortunately all the other guys made it ok from my two tanks,a 50g bow front and a 25g. The 25g is home to two Red Claw Crabs, one of whom lost both his claws recently and has to be hand fed every day... They share with 1 honey and one dwarf Gourami, 2 bristlenose ancistrus and a few amano shrimp.
The big tank has 1 pair angels, 2 male+ 1 female Cacatuoides, 10 neon tetras, Gibbiceps Plec (known affectionately as 'The Gob'), Male Apistogramma Hongsloi,
3 Amano shrimp living in the filter and 4 Corydoras Julii.
I'll post pics of the rest of the gang in new post for those interested....