Multi's (Again)


Fish Crazy
Nov 11, 2008
Reaction score
Lanarkshire, Scotland
I would like to keep Multi's but my water is very soft with PH around 7, and realise that they require hard water with a high PH. I have put Argos play sand in some of my other tanks but need to put crushed coral in these tanks as the Ph drops to around 6 if i don't. What other sand can i use that would be suitable and raise the PH ? I can't put anything in the filter as the ones i use in my fish hut are homemade sponge filters with nowhere for anything to go, thanks.
Does that make sense? lol. So your already using coral sand, or not? Do you know your kh and gh?, as if there high then i wouldnt worry about it.
You can use coral sand but baking soda is an easy way to raise your ph.
Why doesn't it make sense ? I didn't say i used coral sand. I said i use play sand and added Crushed coral (Not coral sand)to raise the PH. The crushed coral i use is far too big for Multi's hence why i asked what was the best sand for them.
Ocean rock or Tuffa rock will raise the pH slightly, adding bicarbonate of soda will raise the pH, Caribsea african cichlid sand claims to buffer the pH...

I actually wouldn't worry about it to much, my water from the tap is pH7 and I kept my first Multies with no probelms, after the sand and rock my pH was 7.4 . . .

Cheers, Sean :good:
Why doesn't it make sense ? I didn't say i used coral sand. I said i use play sand and added Crushed coral (Not coral sand)to raise the PH. The crushed coral i use is far too big for Multi's hence why i asked what was the best sand for them.

get you now. when you said crushed coral, i thought you meant sand.
Just to add, the Multies will be much happier and healthier with a consistant pH rather than fluctuating through various buffering methods. If you're buying them locally there's a good chance the LFS water comes from the same supplier as you so should be same pH/chemistry. . . . .
Good luck and let us know how you get on. . . .

Cheers, Sean :good:

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