Ex-LFS manager/ keeper of over 30 danio species
O.K. I've been having a think
I have ordered some danio devarios (10cm adult) & danio danglia (15cm adult)
I will be getting these at the weekend 3 or 4 of each.
heres the thing....
If I move some stock about would this be enough room for all?
so this would be the set up
rio 125 ltr
6 lampeye panchax [Aplocheilichthys macrophthalmus]
4 giant danios (Danio aequipinnatus)
4 Moustached danios (Danio dangila)
4 Bengal danios (Danio devario)
1 dwarf catfish (otto)
1 armoured shrimp
3' clearseal 33 gal
8 white cloud mountain minnows [Tanichthys albonubes]
5 pearl danios [Brachydanio albolineatus]
4 leopard danios (with broad spots) [Brachydanio "frankei " ( rerio )]
2 leopard danios [Brachydanio "frankei " ( rerio )]
2 longfin golden danios [Brachydanio rerio (varient)]
1 Glowlight danio [Danio choprae]
1 Zebra danio [Brachydanio rerio]
and 3 bumblebee shrimp
13 gal tank
5 silvertip tetras [Hasemania nana]
5 penguine tetras [Thayeria boehlkei]
2 blind cave tetras [Astyanax fasciatus mexicanus]
Do you think this will be too much in any of them?

I have ordered some danio devarios (10cm adult) & danio danglia (15cm adult)
I will be getting these at the weekend 3 or 4 of each.
heres the thing....
If I move some stock about would this be enough room for all?
so this would be the set up
rio 125 ltr
6 lampeye panchax [Aplocheilichthys macrophthalmus]
4 giant danios (Danio aequipinnatus)
4 Moustached danios (Danio dangila)
4 Bengal danios (Danio devario)
1 dwarf catfish (otto)
1 armoured shrimp
3' clearseal 33 gal
8 white cloud mountain minnows [Tanichthys albonubes]
5 pearl danios [Brachydanio albolineatus]
4 leopard danios (with broad spots) [Brachydanio "frankei " ( rerio )]
2 leopard danios [Brachydanio "frankei " ( rerio )]
2 longfin golden danios [Brachydanio rerio (varient)]
1 Glowlight danio [Danio choprae]
1 Zebra danio [Brachydanio rerio]
and 3 bumblebee shrimp
13 gal tank
5 silvertip tetras [Hasemania nana]
5 penguine tetras [Thayeria boehlkei]
2 blind cave tetras [Astyanax fasciatus mexicanus]
Do you think this will be too much in any of them?