Most Expensive Fish Youve Seen In Your Lfs?


resistance is futile......
Apr 5, 2006
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Well, earlier on i went to my LFS to get some corys (which i did, they are acclimating now) and they had an asian green arowana for sale at £250! It said it had been microchipped and comes with certificates and everything. Sorry if this has been done before but what is the most expensive fish youve seen in your LFS? (not the internet, i bet with a quick google anyone could find a £100,000 fish lol) I bet £250 is probably measley compared to what you guys have seen :lol:
I saw an arrowana that didn't have a price but when my dad asked it was £3000. Crikey!
Also there was a massive puffer MBU ithink for £350.
Most expensive fish i've actually seen with my own eyes in a shop was a foot long zebra shovelnose catfish which was up for offers in the region of £750. Until recently it was quite common to see leopoldi stingrays for sale at £1000 a pair at a nearby branch of Maidenhead Aquatics.
The most expensive fish ever sold went for some silly amount like $250,000.

The most expesive i've seen was about £500.
$1000 Rays, $700 eels (salties), $500 arowanas, Fancy Saltie fish in the $200s, just to name a few. My LFS loves oddballs. :p
go to wharf aquatics then you will see some rip off prices :(
Not really a single fish, but...

6 - 7" 'Wild Caught' Brown Discus "Must be bought together" $1000
Most expensive fish i've actually seen with my own eyes in a shop was a foot long zebra shovelnose catfish which was up for offers in the region of £750. Until recently it was quite common to see leopoldi stingrays for sale at £1000 a pair at a nearby branch of Maidenhead Aquatics.

Man, I must live where the demand for expensive fish is extremely low...the most expensive fish I've ever seen was a Giant Gourami for about $50. That is hilarious!
Mine was an Arrowana at £390, it was fully grown and very very very stunning. It was sold to a person without even checking the water and 4 days later died, turned out the person had more money than knowledge and put it in an uncycled tank :X My LFS should know better.
The most expensive fish ever sold went for some silly amount like $250,000.
i think the most expensive fish ever sold was 300,000 a platium siver arowana
but the most expensive 1 ive ever seen is a 1ft rtg arowana for £2,500

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