More Of My Cory Collection


Fish Crazy
Oct 7, 2003
Reaction score
Saskatoon, Sk, Canada
i must be bored tonight or trying to keep up with everyone and their cory pics as of late.. here are more pics as i take them...

Corydoras oiapoquensis

Corydoras gossei


i am not sure how many more pics i can take tonight as the battery is flashing "low battery" and i don't have the charger here tonight.. d'ohh.. maybe i can squeeze one more pic in
:drool: Your cory collection is amazing. I love them all. Your green lazer fry is so gorgeous. Have you been able to breed any of the others? Great pics :good: .

Have you been able to breed any of the others?
I have spawned gossei, barbatus and burgessi of the corys in the pics above. and corys i have spawned that are not pictured are similis, habrosus, pygmaeus, C112, panda, elegans, axelrodi, caudimaculatus and metae. i may have missed one or two

What temperature do you keep the tank with the Scleromystax barbatus?
i keep them at 72 degrees F at the moment. they are on the bottom shelf of my tank rack without a heater.
Have you been able to breed any of the others?
I have spawned gossei, barbatus and burgessi of the corys in the pics above. and corys i have spawned that are not pictured are similis, habrosus, pygmaeus, C112, panda, elegans, axelrodi, caudimaculatus and metae. i may have missed one or two

What temperature do you keep the tank with the Scleromystax barbatus?
i keep them at 72 degrees F at the moment. they are on the bottom shelf of my tank rack without a heater.

You have been very successful in spawing the cories. Lots of the ones you listed are cories I hope to have in the future, especially the Green Lasers. Im wanting those very badly. I took me a year to findly get the orange lasers.

I want some barbatus, but am worried about the water temperature.

Also, what kind of camera are you using?
ya.. i have been doing very well with my corys as of late... have alot of fry in almost every tank.

barbatus in my experience have always been kept on the bottom shelf of my rack with temps reaching as high as 76 degrees and never had a problem

and the camera is an optio something or other. it is at home i will check later on. i beleive it is 5 MP
(----->insert fainting smiley) :drool: they are absolutely awesome ! And your photography is just amazing !

I just have to ask (;)) what do you do to take such outstanding photos and what camera & lens are you using ?

Ps: the Barbatus are my favourite :wub:
haha.. thanks Boo.. i am glad you like my pics

i just have built myself a photo tank that is 8" cube and painted the sides and back black.

and the camera is just a pentax optio something or other with a built in zoom using the macro setting. no fancy slr or anything was used. i will try to get the exact model of the camera later.

all it takes is some patience to get the fish into place and figure out what distance works best and go at it. and the joy of digital cameras is you can take many and throw them away and only keep the best
I wish i could take fish pictures as good as that! The best method i have come up with is to randomly take as many pictures as possible and hope i get a good one in the end :rolleyes: .
Vey nice corys too :) . I havent had any in ages, since all the nice ones i've seen are probably small enough to be gobbled up by my syno :( .

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