More Fry!


Jan 12, 2010
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Hazleton, Pennsylvania
HEY GUYSS!!! guess what my female finally gave birth!! i saw a fry dart across the tank and got eaten while i was trying to save it..of course i knew who it was so i took her and put her in a breeders net and she handled it well.she wasnt even trying to get out!! so after about an hour she had a total of 22 fry plus 3 eggs plus 3 that got she was supposed to have 28 but sadly stuff happened.but anyway that brings my total of fry to 56!!! 3 weeks old swordtail fry, 1 month and 9 day old guppy fry and 1 week and 6 day old guppy fry!!! i saw about six or seven come out of her and i love seeing that!!! leave a response please thanks
Congrats on your fry :good: ,it is fascinating watching them drop fry :)
And this rate you will need a larger tank :lol:
Veyr jealous! Congrats on the new fry, hope to catch mine in the act of giving birth it must be amazing to see xx
omg lilyrose they r adorable!! i cant get enough of them!! their stomachs r rounder than my other ones and that makes them mnore cuter!! harlequins i know i need another tank but im giving some away to my cousin and some to my stepbrother and im just gonna give the rest back to the pet store.but they still have alot of growing to do before i can tell which one im gonna like the best. they rnt getting that thick tho they r just getting longer.
lilacamy ull get urs very soon..ur being very patient and calm which is good.
Sometimes really rounded stomachs can mean they're premature, which is obviously not a good thing.

Congrats on the fry, good luck raising them! :)

awee im so sorry. one of my swordtail fry is missing! i cant find it anywhere and it couldnt have been eaten cause the tank is divided.last time i saw it was 2 days ago and it looked like it was growning its sword and next to its tail was a white scared it was a disease and it died but i hope that didnt happen.its a 5 gallon where could it have gone.! and another one of my swordtail fry is growing its sword(i think) and i want to know how long it takes for the sword to actually show? its 3 weeks old almost 4
awee im so sorry. one of my swordtail fry is missing! i cant find it anywhere and it couldnt have been eaten cause the tank is divided.last time i saw it was 2 days ago and it looked like it was growning its sword and next to its tail was a white scared it was a disease and it died but i hope that didnt happen.its a 5 gallon where could it have gone.! and another one of my swordtail fry is growing its sword(i think) and i want to know how long it takes for the sword to actually show? its 3 weeks old almost 4

My sword fry are about 7 weeks and no swords yet. Unless they are all female, but I doubt all 17 are HAha
now my other guppies tail cahnged its getting pointier. maybe it will start growing bigger in about 2 months cause urs didnt get any yet. my swordtail fry are gonna be one month tomorrow.i am missing one swordtail fry i have no idea where it is.but its ok i have two left.

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