In the color enhancement food thread, we were talking about the light, and it’s effects on blues and greens, but I just noticed, one of my “super red” pleco’s swimming along, under my hanging pots near the surface of it’s tank ( there are 2 full length aquarium LED lights over this tank, so it’s quite bright ), but being in the shadow of the hanging pots, the fish appeared black, as soon as it got out of the shadow, back to its orange coloration… again, this tank is quite bright, so the shadow, is still well lit… so a good percentage of the red / orange color on these fish appears to be because of the light as well… suspect the fish is actually a brown, and something in it’s skin shines orange in the direct light…
Would suspect that as much of the color of our fish, is related to light, as it is diet…
Not that fish don’t lose color, but that the loss of color, is likely related to the fish’s ability to reflect the light in those spectrums…
So color enhancing, is probably very limited, by ingredient and some of these related algae’s may actually be doing nothing, or may just be adding to the fishes health and wellbeing, which in turn, are enhancing their color???
Would suspect that as much of the color of our fish, is related to light, as it is diet…
Not that fish don’t lose color, but that the loss of color, is likely related to the fish’s ability to reflect the light in those spectrums…
So color enhancing, is probably very limited, by ingredient and some of these related algae’s may actually be doing nothing, or may just be adding to the fishes health and wellbeing, which in turn, are enhancing their color???
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