There is a generational problem with the comedy shows of the 1960's thru 1990's and not just in the UK
Benny Hill, Bill Cosby and a few others behave in ways that at the time was seen as funny....and most people over the age of 40, are still funny and still raise a chuckle. Today they get vilified for being inappropriate and maybe some did take that off camera, well no-one is perfect and in showbusiness a good many of these women pointing the finger in accusation should take a good look at themselves too....even now, after #MeToo (which I feel was a disgrace btw) you have showbusiness galas etc where women wear less clothing than a house has curtains and the "casting couch" is and always has been more than just for "casting", women used their bodies and looks to get parts in shows and if a male reacts to that in a natural way, it cannot be called inappropriate now 30-40 years later
These shows were part and parcel of growing up......and coming out of the 60's when what people could do and say was so loose compared to nowadays. It was perfectly normal and funny to see Benny Hill upskirting cos it was done in a specific context that meant it was never perceived as being offensive nor was any offense meant by it.
To The Manor Born, The Goode Life, The Goodies, Dads Army, Love Thy Neighbour...
All groundbreaking comedy series that were brilliantly written, harmless fun
Then at some point in the 2000's everything changed and everything was offensive to someone somewhere...and the innocent poking fun at each other and calling each other out in silly ways has become so toxic and that is so sad cos I honestly do not know why these wonderful old series have suddenly become so unacceptable, inappropriate and offensive
Trigger warnings have appeared on old comedy series....others have had parts edited out or whole programmes or series banned. Women being pinched on the backside or wolf whistled by Benny Hill or Syd James & Barbara Windsor getting silly in a Carry On film.....its harmless fun, nothing is meant by it.
And as a woman, I used to be very flattered by builders up scaffold wolf whistling at me...I didn't find it offensive at all
I sit a watch these series again now...20, 30, 40 years later and I am sorry but I still cannot see what is offensive, especially when you take everything written and filmed in the context that it was meant.
Its sad that you have to watch what you say and do...whats wrong with spontaneous comedy sketches and series?
If people don't like what they are seeing, change the channel or turn the TV off