Monthly Guppy Photo Competition!

Its like being told to live in a glass cupboard for the rest of your life, then 1-3 times a day someone throws some food over the top :nod:
well done helter
can i enter the next comp
Thanks, Was a close race between me and Fish48

Ok thinking now...... As that was my best pic, will have to work on some more now.
Before I close this topic I would like to share with everyone a pm I sent to D&D;

Per your request you did ask to run a guppy competition, requesting to run one; [URL=""][/URL]

A continuing monthly comp is a different story, and I would like to ask you to hold off on this. One reason being members may begin to think this is backed by the forum owner, admins, and mods, which it is not.

Another reason being that the moderating team is considering a forum backed competition(s), and are discussing the details ATM.

Long ago TFF used to have monthly competitions, these were discontinued due to a variety of reasons, cheating and the subsequent arguing being one main problem. We have on occasion let a member run a one off competition, closely watching. We have never allowed a continuing member run competition.

Your comp has run so well that it has inspired the moderating team to consider reinstating the forum sanctioned competition(s). I would at this point like to thank you for taking the time to work on this, the effort really shows.

If you would like me to post on the guppy competition topic explaining this I would very willingly do so, as it was run so well, and is a reflection on your dedication to the hobby in general and this site in particular.

Thank you for understanding, and thank you for your time and effort towards this forum.


I, as well as the Moderating Team feel that Duck and Dive should be commended for starting and running such a successful competition. While we at times get ideas from members posts and pm's, this competition inspired us to do some real work to bring competitions back to TFF. While this is in a way letting the cat out of the bag, it isn't; we're not letting on where we will start. :)

A big thank you to Duck and Dive, as well as all the members who entered, commented, and voted in this competition. We will have an announcement concerning this once the details are worked out.
I changed my mind, I think it deserves to be open for a while to offer congrats to the winner, helterskelter, as well as a hearty thank you to D&D and all the members involved.
This topic has been running for only 11 days with over 1500 view's
this is unheard of in the livebearer section so it's doing something right.

This dose not need to be locked down for any reason I feel dose it?

Their been much more boring things left to run and run with nothing done so why should this be locked to fade away.
In the pets section their is always comp's for your house pets running yet this is a fish forum that get's narky if their is a fish comp. This dose not sound right to me.

It's either do it all and let use gen on with it or none at all.

Sorry if it sounds like I'm annoyed, just strange rules.

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