Monthly Guppy Photo Competition!

I followed the link you gave me kept on clicking on the photo and saved it when I managed to get it large. I then uploaded it to my photobucket account.
OH. Okay, I see. Thank you. Sorry for the hassle. I used to be able to make it larger, but it doesn't work anymore for some reason. I need an account on photobucket.....
Is that even your guppy helter skelter? You should post anpther pic of him to confirm that hes yours.

Click my eggs and something special will happen

It's a long story

The photo was taken the day i got him.
I got him in an auction for only £3
Now he's living with Fish48 who's breeding them.
So when i have space i can get him back ;)
£3!!! lol thats cheap.
hear 's some of he's babies
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ooh pretty

we went to maidenhead yesterday to get some guppy's for my grandads tank and return the plec he was told by lfs would only grow to 2 inches

and he got some that where just stunning
Just to let you know, my male that I entered today into the poll died today :( I found it wedged under one of my rocks not moving [this guppy usually wedges itself there] btw, the rocks are smooth :huh: :rip:
Are there 2nd and 3rd place prizes?

click my eggs and baby dragons they are going to hatch soon!!!

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