Miss Wiggle And Big Ian's First Marine Tank!

im scared of frgging stuff too lol I should probabely frag my torch so it doesnt take over but I dont wanna muck it up
yeah we need to look into fragging properly, we've only done it on our candy cane.... by mistake when we had to move it :blush:

wanna do a swap... i don't know about torch's so don't know if it's suitable for our tank.... but if i find out do you wanna frag swap?
yeah sure its growing like mad for some reason atm so it must be happy lol
well we met KathyM this weekend to give her some gourami's that we were re-homing to her, strangely the obvious and most convenient place to meet was the lfs. :rolleyes:

obviously we had to have a browse while we were there, spotted a really cute blenny, he's a flame tail :good: checked out his requirements and size etc and were pretty sure he's OK for our tank. So they started trying to net him and he darted into some LR and refused to come out, they spent about 45 mins trying to entice him out of his hole and it just wasn't working. Then we noticed another blenny in another tank we hadn't spotted before (top row of tanks, i'm too short to see anything on the substrate :rolleyes: ) he's an orange cheek blenny, checked out his requirements and decided we could take him instead, so they netted him for us and bagged him up, then the first blenny came out and they were going to catch him anyway while they could and move him to a tank with no LR so they didn't have to do it all again when someone else wanted him. sooo anyway as he was caught already and I really liked him we decided to just take them both home.

Did a v careful drip acclimitisation and then released them turned the lights back on a few hrs later and they were both out, active, plenty of colour and generally looking good. They had a few little tussles over a hole in the LR. I should have released them at opposite ends of the tank, lesson learnt. But anyway they've resolved their differences and seem really happy now.

Proper chuffed with them, they're names are Benny and Lenny..... Ian may tell you different, but he is quite clearly wrong :shifty:
just been googling and it seems we have an

Ecsenius stigmatura and an Ecsenius bicolour

found plenty of info on the bicolour and we think he's gonna be ok.

can't find anything worth speaking of about the tailspot blenny, and something that say's you don't come across them that often. anyone got any info on them?
Tailspot and bi-color blennies can be picky eaters, be prepared to offer them Nori or seaweed from an asian (sushi stuff) market if they dont take what you usually feed your tank. Other than that they're reef compatible and wont bother anybody else
Tailspot and bi-color blennies can be picky eaters, be prepared to offer them Nori or seaweed from an asian (sushi stuff) market if they dont take what you usually feed your tank. Other than that they're reef compatible and wont bother anybody else

they've both been grazing happily on the LR so seem quite happy to feed. we've some seaweed (fish designed stuff not nori... that we bought for the tang when we first had him) that I'll try feeding them and I'll go get some proper nori as soon as I get a chance. :good:

They were also showing an interest when we fed live brine shrimp to the rest of the tank (not sure if they actually got any but they were definately curious!) but my research has shown that they should be herbivores... is that right? and if so why would they be wanting the brine shrimp?
Greedy little so'n'so's!!!

I have found that most fish will eat anything you feed them. Be them Carnivor herbivor or omnivor, if it looks good they have a go. Plus if there hungy, well would you eat anything?
Greedy little so'n'so's!!!

I have found that most fish will eat anything you feed them. Be them Carnivor herbivor or omnivor, if it looks good they have a go. Plus if there hungy, well would you eat anything?

well that's what i thought, but i know some animals that are herbivorous won't be able to digest meat properly so I didn't know if it might be the same for these. however i'm sure if they're happy to eat it it's not gonna do them too much harm. I know that lfs regularly feed brine shrimp so they're quite used to it!

As I said if there eating it let them. I think people tend to worrie to much about a natual diet but if there getting a good variety of foodstuffs then I wouldn't worrie.

so stocking wise, i think were nearly there for fishif we're not full already, we currently have

1 purple firefish
2 pyjama cardinals
1 tail spot blenny
1 bicolour blenny

if we add anything else it will be 1 of the following
mandarin goby
one of the smaller pygmy angels (i.e. 2" or under)

so do you think we have room for either of them or are we full up now?
Well, you'd be pushing the limits with both, but if you were dilligent about your cleaning and got the refugium going to support the mandarin, you could prolly have both. Centropyge multispinis gets my vote :D
Well, you'd be pushing the limits with both, but if you were dilligent about your cleaning and got the refugium going to support the mandarin, you could prolly have both. Centropyge multispinis gets my vote :D

oh yeah we'd definately get a fuge and have it running for a good while before adding the mandarin it we went for it.

i don't wanna push the tank to it's limits, think it's best to have none or just one of them.
Same> I would be happy adding both if NO3/PO4 where ok and the cleaning reagime and fuge where up to scratch.

Potters Pygmy A/F gets my vote.

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