Miss Wiggle And Big Ian's First Marine Tank!

hmmmm options for pygmy angels so far are

centropyge interruptus - japanese pgymy angel...... if we can get hold of one, they seem to be quite rare and a bit pricey... but i might get it for my anniversary pressie from Ian if we can get hold of one... anyone know if they're that hard to get?

Centropyge furrugatus - rusty pygmy angel

anyone got any thoughts/comments on those fish?
centropyge interruptus - japanese pgymy angel.

Hahaha, thinking about taking out another mortgage are we? Your going to have a real trouble hunting one down, im sure they have either a list of people already waiting for one, or they would be taken from the shipment without "hitting the shelf" so to speak. Youd have to have some serious contacts to get one in the UK, and they comand a high price, ie. $1000US.

Reef Culture Technologies breeds them, but they arnt for sale, and then they only sell to Japan/US for available species.

Just found this: Live Aquarias Divers Den $1,200US
centropyge interruptus - japanese pgymy angel.

Hahaha, thinking about taking out another mortgage are we, or is Ian a really good husband? Your going to have a real trouble hunting one down, im sure they have either a list of people already waiting for one, or they would be taken from the shipment without "hitting the shelf" so to speak. Youd have to have some serious contacts to get one in the UK, and they comand a high price, ie. $1000US.

Reef Culture Technologies breeds them, but they arnt for sale, and then they only sell to Japan/US for available species.

Just found this: Live Aquarias Divers Den $1,200US or 621 UK pound
centropyge interruptus - japanese pgymy angel.

Hahaha, thinking about taking out another mortgage are we, or is Ian a really good husband? Your going to have a real trouble hunting one down, im sure they have either a list of people already waiting for one, or they would be taken from the shipment without "hitting the shelf" so to speak. Youd have to have some serious contacts to get one in the UK, and they comand a high price, ie. $1000US.

Reef Culture Technologies breeds them, but they arnt for sale, and then they only sell to Japan/US for available species.

Just found this: Live Aquarias Divers Den $1,200US or 621 UK pound

he's a really good boyfriend ;) lol

fair enough i thought they might be massivley out of our price range.... 'rare and expensive' doesn't always give you an idea of the price! :lol:

anyway for the pic mongers amongst you. i got 2 pictures then my camera memory was full so couldn't take any close up shots or anything... this is just after putting the new light on, the cup coral is now so open that all you can see is polyps. the xenia is a much brighter green now, the finger leather also much more polypy (hmmm is that a word??! lol) and the fish are umm.... not hiding 24/7 :lol:

anyway here you go, i'll try and get some better ones later :good:



and also just cos i can't let you get away with a whole post with no questions to answer....

what's this coral.... and if anyone say's red algae i'm sending the boys round :hey: saw it in a shop t'other day, we'd quite like one but with less algae

ooh, I think I've seen that coral around, can't remember the name but it's meant to be impossible to keep :eek:

Not so, those are blue clove polyps. Photosynthetic and can grow like weeds if given the right conditions. They're popular in toronto when used as "ground cover" for rocks there. They can grow like weeds a la xenia if given the right tank/mates.

Just wanted to say, your tank looks AWESOME guys. Its a bigtime improvement from when I last saw it, great look, really healthy. You definitely are getting somewhere :D
Im a pic monger...MORE MORE! :shifty: LOL. Looks like you guys are clam collecting! Beutiful huh? My MH unit came today :- , so after I get parameters constant, im going to buy one and see how it goes! :good: Nice tank though, looking sweet!

Edit: Sorry BTW, thought you two got married! :S What picture was I thinking of?
ooh, I think I've seen that coral around, can't remember the name but it's meant to be impossible to keep :eek:

Not so, those are blue clove polyps. Photosynthetic and can grow like weeds if given the right conditions. They're popular in toronto when used as "ground cover" for rocks there. They can grow like weeds a la xenia if given the right tank/mates.

Just wanted to say, your tank looks AWESOME guys. Its a bigtime improvement from when I last saw it, great look, really healthy. You definitely are getting somewhere :D

thanks ski, i'll do some research now to see if they're suitable for us. got my heart set on them!

thanks Ski :good: those pics don't even show it off to full extent, cleared out the memory of my camera phone last night then filled it up again so got some nice pics of the fish corals, and our other tanks i'll post up later

Im a pic monger...MORE MORE! :shifty: LOL. Looks like you guys are clam collecting! Beutiful huh? My MH unit came today :- , so after I get parameters constant, im going to buy one and see how it goes! :good: Nice tank though, looking sweet!

Edit: Sorry BTW, thought you two got married! :S What picture was I thinking of?

patience mr miaga :shifty:

yeah we'd love a clam too..... maybe someday!


nah not even got a ring on my finger yet, saying that though we've not even been together a year so bit soon! ha ha

but massive thanks to you two and everyone else who'se helped us, i've no doubt whatsoever that we'd not have got this far without the help form this forum. much appreciated guys :good:

ah bugger, didn't realise i was logged in as Ian
right, about a billion pics for you all to peruse

full tank shot from across the room, can sort of see the new hood and security light poking out from the top of it


full tank shot a bit closer!


mr grumpy, our firefish


bit of a blurry pic but thought i'd post it so you can see the colour of our xenia, never used to be that green!


yellow fiji leather


my grumpy, one of the cardinals, and our beautiful cup coral and candy cane, so impressed with how these are looking now :drool:


decent close up of a pyjama cardinal (they're both called banana by the way!)


one of my fave corals, the finger leather


mr grumpy ... again


the other cardinal


shrimpys favourite place in the tank.... know you can't see him all that well but i quite like this pic!

Your tank is looking brilliant, so much better than when you first got it. Well done guys!!

Have you still got both clowns couldnt see them in the pics?

Well done again, looking good!
Your tank is looking brilliant, so much better than when you first got it. Well done guys!!

Have you still got both clowns couldnt see them in the pics?

Well done again, looking good!


no we re-homed them, when we added the firefish he got really badly bullied, the clowns had had the tank to themselves so long they got really territorial, so we figured we could either keep the tank with just 2 clowns in, or re-home them and get more interesting fish we actually like :)
Oooh, pretty. Thanks for the pics, looks awesome. And btw, what you think is xenia are actually green star polyps :good:
Oooh, pretty. Thanks for the pics, looks awesome. And btw, what you think is xenia are actually green star polyps :good:

yeah? we were just told it's a different colour of xenia. well either way it's doing really well!
right descision time i think, looking at pygmy angels and i'd like one of the following... comments/suggestions appreciated

flame angel Centropyge loriculus
flameback pygmy angel Centropyge acanthops
half black pygmy angel Centropyge vroliki
lemonpeel pygmy angel Centropyge flavissimus
midnight pygmy angel Centropyge nox
pacific pygmy angel Centropyge flavicauda

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