getting 2 longfin albino bn's which i have heard do not suck on the sides of the discus
longfin albino bristlys are awesome! i have a female and will prolly get more eventually
just make sure you put a bit of driftwood in with them to aid in their digestion!
sounds like youre starting to really sort this out
it is incredibly hard in a hobby like this one when there are so many conflicting theories, and the fact that some people dont run into major problems when doing really stoopid things-out of luck or hardiness of fish usually-that then gives them the idea that its perfectly fine
for instance, i know this guy who had mollies in a goldfish bowl, NO filtration, NO aeration(apart from a twiggy bit of bamboo growing out of it like a vase!) and he DID NOT even treat the tapwater for chlorine/choramine! when he did water changes it was the whole lot,and it was only cos it would look grotty
Not supprisingly all his fish died after a water change one day, and when i tried to tell him that chlorine is kinda toxic and is prolly what killed them
he said NO it wasnt that cos hes done heeps of water changes before and the fish hadnt died in the 5 months he had had them
theres no telling some people!
This is a good site..hope it helps...