Microsoft Update

We now have 6 cherry shrimp in the tank. I have never seen Microsoft move around with such purpose before I put them in the foxtail plant on the left they went to the bottom and are hiding under the driftwood and rocks which he is now inspecting in great detail , He knows there are Yum Yums in the tank It's just that he cant catch them LOL,
$ 3.50 each
Cool, good luck Cherry Shrimp :- Hope they manage to breed for you too...
I now have 5 cherry shrimp, He caught 1 and ate it.
You get that, The shrimp are still a bit jumpy however he is not actively hunting them any more. 
I did a few modifications to the spray bar that returns the water to the tank, I just added a bit of hose with holes in it to the setup.
The 2 foot spray bar also makes a nice plant hanger LOL.
That flow rate is 200 lph across 2 feet,  Microsoft can hover and the current dont affect his tail.

The clump of green on the left is his bed, He crawls in there to sleep.
Is it just my fish or do all bettas think they are like cats and can squeeze thru any gap?
NickAu said:
 Is it just my fish or do all bettas think they are like cats and can squeeze thru any gap?
WARNING: Bettas will get through the smallest gap and have been found lying dead next to their tank. Do you have a cover on your tank?

Microsoft looks like a very content and happy Betta. If you can add some Bogwood for him to swim in and out off he would love the tannins this releases as well as being able to swim through it.
Do you have a cover on your tank?
Yes I do, having a top on the tank also stabilises the water temp a bit more IMO.
I applied the thumb test to all the stuff in my tank, Basically everything is thumb thickness away from the wall of the tank.
Microsoft looks like a very content and happy Betta.
I hope so.
I guess all is well in fishy world? that's his first bubble nest.
That nest is right next to the water return spray bar you see in the Photo's  above, With some experimentation I have a 350 lph flow rate in the tank.  I used the pump on my filter to fill a 10 lt bucked with water and timed it with a watch.

I hope this thread helps the next person who has never kept any fish, By keeping this journal they can see what I have done where I have gone wrong or done the right thing.
I have started teaching Microsoft this trick. I have started putting my hand in the tank and he swims onto it to get food. And before you say it, YES I wash my hands in hot water without any soap first.
Seen that video before, it is so cute. Shows why these beautiful fish deserve a home like the one you have provided vs cups or jars.
Microsoft dis a few renovations.
The problem now is I don't see him much he's too busy swimming thru the new plants. I left the foxtail ferny thing alone because he sleeps in that. That root cost me 45 AUD and I love how the new plant in the left side hides all the plumbing. No more additions I think, Those poor plants will starve without some ferts, I mean seriously how much can 1 betta poop, There are 4 snails in there but I dont expect them to last long I think I saw Microsoft licking his fishy lips at the new Yum Yums in the tank. I think his Philosophy is,  If its meat and it moves it must be food, if it dont move... Well lets try and eat it anyway.
If you can add some Bogwood for him to swim in and out off
Hows that?
I just ordered 30 glass shrimp from, some may survive, others will get eaten, sorry all the shrimp lovers/keepers, but as long as boofhead is happy the cost of a few shrimp is nothing.

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