I love the Australian humour, and wonder if your next Betta will be an Apple?
No it would be Ubuntu, I only use Linux I called him Microsoft when he was in a community tank with Guppies, The guppie males were Mac ( as in Apple ) and Linux the girls were Olivia Petra Rebecca And Quina ( Linux Mint Versions). However I hope Microsoft is around for a long time yet, The little mind controlling monster he is , He is teaching me a new trick, I place my finger on the water with a pellet of food, and he will eat it. He is also teaching me that when he looks pretty at the front of the tank, It's treat time and sometimes he even gets 1, No I am not over feeding him.
Daily intake
3 to 4 pelets depending on the and some bellow
Live wingless fruit flie, I catch these.
Frozen shrimp
Frozen daphnia
Frozen bloodworms
I mix it up however his total daily portion size is the equivalent of 6 pellets of
Aqua Delight 200g Betta Siamese Fighting Fish Food Pellet
This includes treats, sometimes I feed him a bit extra frozen about 2 pellets but it is a big tank and he is active and sometimes he misses out for a day.
Water temp 82 deg.
Amonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 0
After playing around with rocks the shower bar and using the fern on the left as a gauge, I have been able to run the big filter at 200 lt/ph without making hardly any current when the floating fern moved I knew it was too much, seems Microsoft agrees.
Where the tank is you can see it from the bathroom, I swear he was watching me when I got out of the shower, He loves blood worm and it was cold that day.
some of these would be nice......
Say 1 of each, Could turn out to be expensive betta food.
Above all I want a tank that works well and is easy to maintain, reg water changes, A light gravel vac every now n then ( How much can 1 betta poop ) and that would be mostly used up by the plants and bacteria in the filter. Healthy fish happy fish. If it wasnt such a disturbance to the tank I would cover the old gravel with white finer gravel, I wish I had used white sand.
Could I tuck a bit of that java moss under part of a rock?