Feeding question

Yeah I had to google the bloodworm name, because when I put it in google it found a different thing. In here it is sold as a "mosquito larvae, red", and it is Chironomus plumosus. In summer I feed white mosquito larvae from my pond. The frozen daphnia and cyclops are also insects. They also sell frozen tubifex, should I include that too?
I have heard terrible things about tubifex, and great ones. I have no access myself. My Scleromystax and Corys get occasional 'wild caught' bloodworms, but I use no frozen foods, for no major reason. Access.
I use home cultured whiteworms about twice a week when I want to breed the fish. Freshly hatched brine shrimp - and bug bites.

You can take what everyone says here and make your own plans. We're probably all mostly right and maybe partly wrong...
Ian Fuller does not advocate bloodworms as any sort of basic food for cories, so I would avoid them except as once a week treats. If memory serves me, Neale Monks had something to say about not feeding these much as well. Their nutritive value is far less than any quality prepared/dry food like bug bites and shrimp pellets and these are certainly easier to feed--and much, much healthier.

I share the allergy to bloodworms. When I did feed them once weekly, I had to be very careful not to allow my hands to come into contact or I got a terrible rash (the frozen cubes pushed into a dish of warm water solved this). I had to hold the dish away so I could not smell them, or I choked up terrible with very itchy watery eyes.

Most reactions
