Michael Vick Indicted


Swim with the Fishes
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Jan 18, 2005
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Mt. Holly, NC
I knew I never liked the guy. I hope he and all those involved get what's coming to them. If guilty they should have to face the same dogs they used to subject to such cruelty. I'm sure those dogs have probably been put down though as I don't think there is much that could be done with them. I wonder how they would fare barehanded against one of their top fighting dogs. Michael Vick is fast but he ain't that fast. There aren't any photos but just some of the things they talk about (the way losing dogs were killed) are pretty bad so be warned before you click the link and read the story.
I would express my true opinion, but this is a family friendly forum. I've owned dogs my entire life, all small terriers, and they are considered family members. I have and will continue to stand up for them, and stand by them in any situation, just like any other family members. I hope they throw the book at this yahoo, make a nice example of him.

Here's another one, not 5 minutes from where I work; http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/local/c...1,1576431.story

Having smaller dogs, this really worries me;

I always keep an eye on my dogs when they are in the yard, and always have a "tool" handy.
It just sickens me that people could do this to dogs.
That they would get pleasure in watching 2 dogs tear eachother apart, and then kill them in such aweful ways.
Ugh god I don't even want to think about it or else I'm gonna cry.

I wish I hadn't read that story Tolak.. the 2nd link.
I was afraid someone was gonna take Cid when we first got him.. mainly b/c we live in a not so great neighborhood and the kids next door harass our dogs, but I never thought that he would get taken for dog fighting.
UGH.... I'm gonna be super paranoid about that now.
I was standing outside with them when I let them out, but have just recently been letting them out on their own (only for a few mins)... but reading that is going to make me start watching them again.... I'm just gonna have to suffer the heat outside to watch over all my babies and make sure I also carry a "tool" to protect them.
Im going to go with more seasoned members and decied this is a family friendly forum.. but suffice it to say that I would use my 'tool' (and you can read 'tool' as a .45 auto colt 1911) on a human before I would spank my dog..
I've been involved in animal rescue for about 15 years now. I have my heart wrenched out of my chest every time I work with the shelter dogs or love up my own rescue dogs. But you never get used to it. I read these stories and I feel their pain and how they suffered. The judicial system has still not come up with a decent enough penalty for crimes like this, in my opinion.

It'll be interesting to see how this guy's fans react when the season opens.
there was a piece in the local paper where i live, front cover of it, bearing in mind where i live ranges from multi-million celebrity owned mansions right down to council block estates, that there had been an increasing number of reports from the police and the rspca of staffy dog fights, for the lack of pit bulls, the staffys are now the prime target and "in dog" for all the kids round here. i would be terrified to have a staffy, or any kind of small bully breed around here, in case i got mugged and knife, or gun point, and have my dog stolen. which is unfortunatly, not unheard of round here.

those new stories made me sick to the stomach, i hope he gets maximum penalties. if you can do that to a dog, whats to stop you doing it to another human being? nothing.
The link that Tolak posted as did the one about Vick mentioned bait dogs. Below is a link that surprisingly still works. This was about 2 years ago. This particular pit bull apparently wasn't considered aggressive enough so they turned it into a bait dog. She was dumped on the side of a highway and left for dead until a woman just happened to see her, stopped and then called for help. There are 2 links, one is photos and the other is the story. Please be warned that the photos and the story are very graphic.

Photos - VERY GRAPHIC - Click at your own risk

Story - pretty graphic description also but no photos

Unfortunately, I don't know what ever happened to the dog. She was doing well and recovering nicely the last I heard (the shelter was keeping her as they considered her unadoptable dispite the fact that they were being overwhelmed with offers to take her.

The people who do this sort of thing are the lowest life form on earth. They should be off the street because if they do this to animals, they would do it to a human too.

On a side note, I read a story this morning that hint at the fact that Michael Vick's career is over. It said that he was almost certainly to be suspended by the commissioner since he lied to him in April and said he didn't know anything about it. It also said the Humane Society would renew it's efforts to get companies that he had contracts with such as Nike, Rawlings, Powerade and others to cut their ties with him. Some companies already have.
Quite often, a dog that's been through severe trauma like that is considered unadoptable. It's not that the dog wouldn't be fine with an adopter, but that adopter would have to be well-versed in dealing with a traumatized animal and willing to give them the care needed for their emotional and physical rehabilitation. Even though a dog that's just been hit by a person will go right back up to that person to be petted, the emotional scars usually run much deeper than the physical ones and last for the remainder of the dog's life. All of my rescue dogs have come from abusive situations. I've chosen to be involved in this lifestyle and dedicate my life to helping these animals. The tears are many but the rewards are phenomenal.

And yes, he's definitely going to get his ass kicked out of the league.
B)-->QUOTE(Lynda B @ Jul 18 2007, 02:41 PM) [snapback]1695944[/snapback]
And yes, he's definitely going to get his ass kicked out of the league.[/quote]
Actually, I wish they'd let him play at least one more game. Make the entire officiating crew animal lovers and hopefully his offensive line is too. Let the defense literally unload on him for a couple plays while he officials turn their heads. I think a couple good middle linebackers could break him in half or at least a few bones.

I guess I shouldn't say that because that is stooping to his level but I just hope he (all of them actually) get what they deserve. Im sure here are a lot of animal lovers in prison too that would like to have a shot at him.
I was actually debating this morning whether or not to create a topic regarding this guy, I am glad someone did, I was very unsure.

I think this sort of thing is horrible and monstrous. The peopel that do such things ar ethe lowest scum on earth. How can anyone hurt an animal, or train it specifically to fight?

The things it said the footballer did to the dogs, how he killed them, etc., is horrific. UGH I hate people who abuse animals. I hope he gets what he deserves. And I hope that he goes to prison and gets the #### kicked out of him. I truly hope so.
Two guys here were charged last year with fighting two pits, unfortunately an 8 wk old pit puppy got in the mix and was mauled to death by one of the adults, people like these are why so many bans are out there on pitbulls.. stupidity at its finest
It looks like he may have played his last game for a while as the commissioner today ordered him not to report to training camp. And I so much wanted to see a couple linebackers get shot at him.
His arraignment is today. I wonder how he will plead

I think his arraignment is Thursday, July 26th, the first day of Falcon training camp.

I was thinking the same thing, rdd1952, I've never rooted for a brutal injury to fall upon a pro athlete, but it would have been nice to see Vick suffer a gruesome compound fracture ala Joe Theismann.
aha yes, i was mistaken, his team officials are supposed to hold a news conference today

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