Members New World Tanks

The February FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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1 x apisto cacatuoides (for now, hoping to find him some females)

Just to help you out there Pink Dolphin - but I believe that apisto to be a female. So to breed you would want to find another female and a male. The giveaway regarding the sex of this fish is her long black stripe and lack of colour in her dorsal fin.

Great little fish they are..
not exactly 'new world' but i have 3 apistos caca. in here, so i've tried making it more homely for them. there will be other bits added in the future. They share a 125ltr tank with khulis, corys, amano shrimp and female bettas;


here are my tanks. or what they look like as of now.
80 Gal


The 36gal is being worked on.
heres my angel tank its a 3ft tank
breeding pair of angels and four guppys and one candy stripe plec
angel pair

angel fry



clown fish you see is no longer in the tank
this is my candy stripe when i first got it 2.5years ago,,trying to get a new photo
hi, how do you get your angel fry to the free swimming stage thanks
wow some of u have outstanding tanks :good: :good:
Guys am new to the tropical fish set up,and looking at this site gets my juices flowing, my misses watches me like a hawk as am always buying stuff on ebay, thanks guys your tanks all look brilliant.

Apistogramma double red biotope~ Manzanita drift wood, coconut huts, play sand substrate, red oak leaf litter (Hate white oak... to smooth looking) 
Heres mine... solo male Red Dragon ZZ Flowerhorn (Rex) :) currently 8 months old and about 6"


So jealous of someone of these tanks! :) all of mine look crappy right now because of all the fry I have, so much moving stuff about.
Some of the live plant tanks look absolutely amazing, I only have synthetics in mine at the moment but will be looking to make the switch over at some stage next year.
Good job everyone!
nelly said:
my 5ft /150us gallon tank<soon to upgrade>

2 oscars
1 jaguar cichlid
1 vieja biff
2 silver sharks
1 gaint gibbicep<sailfin plec>
1 common plec
1hoplo catfish
1 senegal birchir
filteration consists of a fluval fx5/ and 2 internal tetratec 1000's
glo light/power glo and marine blue light bulbs
heating is set at 25c rising to 26c with light bulbs on,,,

new entry sunday may the 18th 2008
the vieja bifa savaged the oscars so SOLD
The jaguar started going for the oscars so temp rehomed waiting to be sold
This tank is sick!
You are all going to laugh at me... but here we go!
It looks SLIGHTLY different now, but not by much


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