Members New World Tanks

February FOTM Photo Contest Starts Now! Fish of the Month
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29 gallon amazon

5 red eye tetra
1 pink tail chalceus
2 serpae tetra
1 keyhole cichlid
1 angel fish
Nelly - is that a candy stripe plec? He's identical to mine - I've been trying to figure out what he is for ages and just came to the conclusion he must be a common because of how big he's grown!!

How big is yours now?
25g, Angel pair, "yoyo loaches", cories, Brochis.

30g, home to a pike cichlid, sajica pair, Asian bumble bee catfish and BN plecs.

I'll put up a picture of the 90 later.
mines only about 3inches
have you got a picture of your plec?

Guys I don't think it's a candy striped, looks more like a leopard cactus to me, u should ask around though
Here is a photo of my planted, 125l, SA community:

20x Cardinal Tetra
4x Black Neon Tetra
3x Panda Corydora
3x Apisto Agassizi - Double Red
5x Spixi Apple Snails
2x Zebra Nerite Snails

2x Radican swords
2x Mayacca Fluviatilis
3x Vallisneria Spiralis
1x Red Spatterdock tuber
4x Nymphaea bulbs


I want to have a change around soon though and remove the Vallisneria and swap it with Limnophylia Aromatica..

1 red striped sev
1 blue acara
2 kribs
2 angels

2 cryptoheros spirulus coming tomorrow

Most reactions
