Meet The Members

Forum Name: Shelby

Real name: Michelle Goodrum

Location: Oregon, Illinois

Number of Years in Hobby: About 2

Fish keeping Profile: 29 US gallon high community tank

Favourite fish species: Dwarf Gouramis (so far anyway)

Favourite LFS: Haven't found a good one :(

Aquatic Likes: well kept fish with clean tanks.

Aquatic Dislikes: Crowded fish in dirty tanks.

Aquatic Achievements: Keeping my tank healthy after a horrible misinformed start!

Non-fish related fact: I train dogs in Schutzhund

Other Hobbies: German Shepherds, reading books, playing WoW, facebook, building websites, learning new things, knitting,

Forum Name- Oscar Betta

Location- Kansas, USA

Number of Years in Hobby- About 2

Fishkeeping Profile- 1 male betta, 2 ADF, 2 Pearlscale Goldfish

Favourite fish species- Bettas, Discus, Goldfish

Favourite LFS- Pet World

Aquatic Likes- clean tanks and healthy fish!

Aquatic Dislikes- badly treated fish

Aquatic Achievements- Doing research after I got my first fish to make sure I was keeping him right.

Non-fish related fact- Big MAG gamer (PS3)

Other Hobbies- Soccer, PS3, Biking, Keeping rats
Forum Name: Harlequins

Real name: Tracey

Location: Bristol UK

Number of Years in Hobby: just over a year on Tropicals although did keep goldfish before

Fish keeping Profile: 55 gal community,10 gal pygmy corys,10 gal fry tank.

Favourite fish species: CORIES!!!

Favourite LFS: Maidenhead aquatics,cadburys garden centre...

Aquatic Likes: Nice healthy fish with cared for tanks.

Aquatic Dislikes: unkept tanks

Aquatic Achievements: Breeding corydoras

Non-fish related fact: Support worker for the elderly

Other Hobbies:
cross stitching
Forum Name: Stang1

Real Name: Angie

Location: Northants, England

Number of Years in Hobby: 4 years

Fishkeeping Profile: 12 tanks...3 marine and 9 tropical

Favourite fish species: Plecs and Cichlids

Favourite LFS: Maidenhead Aquatics, Harlestone Heath and Wharf Aquatics

Aquatic Likes: Natural looking tanks, healthy and well care for fish

Aquatic Dislikes: Coloured gravel/ornaments, neglected tanks and fish bowls/unfiltered tanks

Aquatic Achievements: Breeding Zebra Plecs and a few Cichlids

Non-fish related fact: I work at an LFS and take great pride in my work. Get offended when people say not to trust your LFS as they are all after your money. I spend 7 days a week researching and doing work at home to ensure that good advice is always given

Other Hobbies: Reading, artwork
Forum Name: SpookyLilGirl or Spooky for short
Real name: Nina
Location:Hampton Va somewhere over the pond :)
Number of Years in the Hobby:On and Off for many years
FishKeeping Profile:Have not made up my mind on this
Favorite Fish Species: Livebearers of any kind :)
Favorite LFS:Small single owner stores that are clean and knowledgable
Aquatic Likes:Natural aquascapes with healthy stock
Aquatic Dislikes:Irresponsible Pet owners of any kinds
Aquatic Acheivments:My healthy hardy Red Velvet Swordtails
Non Hobby Intereset:God, Country,Children,Computers,and WebSlueths
Forum name: M.R Otter

Location: UAE ( Dubai )

Number of Years in Hobby: between 3 or 4 years.

Fishkeeping Profile: ponds and couple of tanks.

Favourite fish species: Cichlids and Tetras

Favourite LFS: creature oasis

Aquatic Likes: colorful and graceful healthy fishes and friendly ones.

Aquatic Dislikes: treating fishes as monsters, making them kill each like the ones on you tub.

Aquatic Achievments: Breeding African cichlids and some other species.

Non-fish related fact: i also keep and breed birds like parrots, finches, doves, pigeons and mynahs.

Other hobbies: drawing-writing poems and reading about animals.
Forum Name the biffster

Location- northeast uk

Number of Years in 30 give or take one or two

Fish keeping Profile one tank set up at the moment possibly anothers 5 to come

Favourite fish species Cichlids catfish cold water fish

Favourite LFS north lakes calico paddock farm aquatic fanatic

Aquatic Dislikes people who dont like fish or fish keeping

Aquatic Likes healthy fish in natural looking settings

Aquatic Achievements breeding cichlids b/n catfish and goldfish

Non-fish related fact i used to be a good vehicle fitter

Other Hobbies- fishing fish keeping computers
Forum Name...Barrybarry (try guess my real name)

Location... Ellon ,Aberdeenshire, Scotland

Number of Years in Hobby...Less than a year! Im a newbie

Fishkeeping Profile...24x12x12 Community tank. Looking to upgrade to a planted Trigon 190 comunity tank.

Favourite fish species...Black Ghost Knife

Favourite LFS...Waterworld Aberdeen

Aquatic Likes... Adding new fish to my tank and watching them grow.

Aquatic Dislikes... Ill fish from Fish stores and poor information on fish from unqualified staff in Petshops.

Aquatic Achievements... I haven't killed any fish :D

Non-fish related fact... Im a new Daddy, i have a 1 week old son.

Other Hobbies... Football, Running, walking, snowboarding, Xbox 360, PS3 , Wii, Learning to play the bass in a band.

Picture of me and my Son when he was like 3 days old

Forum Name: Sunpirate2u

Real Name: Andria Vita

Location: Phoenix, Arizona US

Number of Years in Hobby: 5 years

Fishkeeping Profile: 10g with 2 male guppies 4 female guppies, 20 and 30 gallon communities

Favourite fish species: Guppies, bettas, Gouramis, apple snails..ect

Favourite LFS: Ocean Floor

Aquatic Likes: Having a beautiful planted tank

Aquatic Dislikes: Wow I have a lot. Annoying children tapping on tanks, people who don't do research, people who shove a ton of advice down your throat, tacky neon tanks, Walmart fish -shudder-...and people who think bettas and goldfish should live in bowls.

Aquatic Achievements: Getting some fish to last awhile, helping others

Non-fish related fact: I love shopping, hanging with friends, the beach, adventure...just having a good time.

Other Hobbies: I play clarinet in my schools top honors band and PHOTO EDITING!!

Forum Name The-Wolf

Location Swanley, England

Number of Years in Hobby 28

Favourite fish species cyprinids

Favourite LFS Aylesford Aquatics; Wildwoods

Aquatic Likes natural looking tanks

Aquatic Dislikes flourescent decor/substrate/fake plants

Aquatic Achievements bred over 20 species of Danionin

Non-fish related fact Recently married spent honeymoon in Hawaii

Other Hobbies Theology and dabbling in quantum physics (yeah right!)

forgot the picture
Real Name: Bobby mc

Location: Liverpool/England

Time in Hobby: 4 months

Fishkeeping Profile: 2 albino frogs / 2 silver Angel / 2 barbs / 2 molly / 2 cory

Favourite fish species: barbs/ but love my frogs

size of tank 15x12x30

Aquatic Likes: keeping happy fish

Aquatic Dislikes: Fish dying

Aquatic Achievements: getting to keep most of my fish alive
Forum Name- GAB99 but before was Mojo Dojo

Location- Georgia (US)

Number of Years in Hobby- just over a year

Fishkeeping Profile- 55 planted and a marine 20 gallon soon to be 65 gallon marine tank with coral

Favourite fish species- cant pick too many good ones

Favourite LFS- N/A

Aquatic Likes- natural or really cool looking tanks

Aquatic Dislikes- Bad advice, gank tanks, people who dont research before starting the hobby etc.

Aquatic Achievements- havent lost a fish yet that was my fault

Non-fish related fact- is this a fact about me or just a fact? whatever: praying mantis have two brains

Other Hobbies- tennis, strategy, books, analyzation, Star wars, reptiles, birds, building, nature, drawing, history, technology, computers, people etc. etc. and of course FISH
hi all im not as fancy as all you's but here goes
im from paisley, scotland
an ive just got a tank for my b'day (6 month ago)
for the first 3 month my tank had severe casualties more settled there after
its a community tank consisting of
16 neons
6 presilla
6 molly/platy thingy's
4 blood tetra's ???
3 cherry barbs
6 guppys 2m 4f
2 silver dollars
4 khullies
2 much drabber but way bigger khullie esq. thingys
2 chocolate gouramis
3 dania (elegant fins)
2 aquatic frogs
1 dwarf gourami
1 male fighter
1 keyhole chillid
1 bristle nose (without bristles ???)
1 thai glass fish
the tank is a UFO550 by aqua one
all accessories came with tank
im used to the flaval filters but this tank has the carbon thingy
takin the water up a tube an prossessin it thru two seperate compartments one carbon the other ermmmmm.....
in all the 6 months ive had the tank i have never givin it a water change or cleaned the filter (moved debrie from sooky bit)
the water is clear the fish seem to be doin fine all active an feedin
i got a test kit but it only records the ph
i read in another thread about nitrites testin an stuff (next on my list)
all my foliage is plastic an rather dense in places fancy popin in a java planted things
not really in need of advice i dont think
just joined to see other intakes on buildin a tank ect ect
Forum Name... Daigle107

Location... Berkshire County, Massachusetts, US

Number of Years in Hobby... 4

Fishkeeping Profile... Tropical freshwater, experimenting with live plants now. Tank currently has 0 fish, will increase when cycling is complete.

Favourite fish species... I'm a huge fan of catfish and neon tetras (something about the way a school looks swimming around).

Favourite LFS... Canaan Petstore, closest to me, but still a 45 minute drive...

Aquatic Likes... Huge selection of fish, I like working with the compatibility of fish species. I also like the natural look that can be achieved in an aquarium.

Aquatic Dislikes... Fake plants. (Hate the look of a tank with pinks, blues, yellows and purples with multicolored sand.)

Aquatic Achievements... Currently I have no achievements to be proud of, but I'm hoping to be successful in breeding a pair of rams.

Non-fish related fact...... 22 years old, recent civil engineering graduate.

Other Hobbies.... Basketball, Xbox, gardening (both flowers and vegetables).
Forum Name: AstonN24Vantage
Location: Boston
Number of Years In the Hobby: 2 great years
FIshkeeping Profile: 3 danios, a cory, a few swordtails, 2 turtles (not in same tank) 2 angels, a glass cat, and 2 panda barbs
Favorite Fish Species: Angels
Favorite LFS: they're all the same
Aquatic Likes: a tank that has a balance of plants, rocks, fish and gravel
Aquatic Dislikes: people who don't know anything about fish and ick
Aquatic Achevements: I have tried to breed guppies, babies never made it, but i did manage for a week
Non-fish related Fact: I LOVE cars
Other Hobbies: Wii, Xbox, TV, biking, swimming, running, baseball, playing with turtles

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