Meet The Members

Forum Name: Zophie
Location: Vancouver,Canada
Number of years in the hobby: 2 years
Fish keeping profile: 1 male betta fish, 1 male betta fish, 20 gallon mixed tank, Ancistrus Catfish breeding tanks
Fave Fish: This is hard. Ancistrus Catfish, Bettas, Oscars, and Rope-fish Fave Fish store: Aquarium West
Aquatic Likes: A beutiful 100 gallon mixed tank
Aquatic dis-likes: Neon Tanks. I hate colourful gravel, in a plastic bowl with a goldfish/betta especially.
Aquatic acheivements: Winning the Best Betta award with my little Kenji...
Non fish related fact: I play the trumpet, and have TOO MANY pets!
Other hobbies: Looking after any kind of animal.
Forum Name - mattlee

Real Name - Matt Lee

Location - South Leicestershire, uk

Number of Years in Hobby - like most i had goldfish as a child and a small tropical tank but been seriously into fish keeping for just over a year now

Fishkeeping Profile - 65G planted discus/community tank, sulawesi shrimp tank, angel breeding tank, 2 x corydoras breeding tank + fry and grow out tanks.....

Favourite fish species - Too many to choose from but if i have to it would be Discus and Corydoras.

Favourite LFS - Not really got a favourite, i will travel for the right fish....

Aquatic Likes - Healthy tanks and fish, biotopes, big groups of small fish.

Aquatic Dislikes - Dead and sick fish at lfs, big fish in little tanks.

Aquatic Achievements - Currently breeding Angelfish and Green and Gold stripe Corydoras.

Non-fish related fact - I drive a domestic refuse truck..... rubbish job :lol:

Other Hobbies - Skateboarding, snowboarding, surfing, chilin, my daughter!


Thats Croyde beach isnt it?
Forum Name...ChilliPepper

Location...Suffolk, England

Number of Years in Hobby...years ago had cold water tank, kept tropicals for 3-4 years

Fishkeeping Profile...168g New World Cichlid & Bichir tank, 50g Rainbowfish and Dwarf Cichlid tank, 5.5g Betta tank

Favourite fish species... Severum/Oscar/Rainbowfish/Bichirs/Plecs

Favourite LFS...Either Swallow Aquatics, East Harling or Maidenhead Aquatics, Cambridge

Aquatic Likes... a good assortment of fish, co-existing well, with character.

Aquatic Dislikes... Oscars/Bettas/Goldfish in small tanks/ignorant LFS's/'Betta Bowls'/luminous gravel/people not taking advice on forums

Aquatic Achievements...Managed to grow GT up from less than an inch to 5" before she got aggressive :lol: :lol: :lol:

Non-fish related fact...I'm a Web Designer, with a degree

Other Hobbies...Horse riding, used to have my own horse up until recently; web designing, graphic designing, walking, reading, procrastinating ;)
Ooh I may as well do this haha... I'm not a regular yet but would like to be! :)

Forum Name Josiee.

Location Hertfordshire, UK.

Number of Years in Hobby None! Just getting started.

Fishkeeping Profile I have just started up my first tank, a 20l arcadia ark I am intending on keeping one male Betta in, and then see how we go regarding future tank mates.

Favourite fish species I don't really know all that many yet, but I think Angels and Bettas are beautiful.

Favourite LFS The one helping me out atm seems pretty good so far, 'Totally Tropicals' in Bishop's Stortford

Aquatic Likes Relaxed, healthy fish.

Aquatic Dislikes Seeing fish stressed out, overstocking, garish tank setups.

Aquatic Achievements Err, none so far really ha! I just this evening sorted out all the electricals to my little Arcadia and I won't lie, I'm impressed with myself that so far everything seems to be working!

Non-fish related fact I'm 17, studying Psychology, Drama and Theology at A level and have a bizarre birthmark that looks exactly like a lovebite on my neck.

Other Hobbies Horse riding (had a beautiful mare on full loan from July 2007-March 2009, I really miss her) and running.

Riding October 2008

General out-and-about photo (on the right)
Thats Croyde beach isnt it?
yeah i think it is... well whats left of it after my daughter got the taste for the sand :sick: :lol:
Forum Name Deetheman_6

Location. Cambridge uk

Number of Years in Hobby. 3 years but had tanks around me since i was a youngster

Fishkeeping Profile. right well i have 25 liter nursey tank where i have 40 baby bn's 4weeks old, 35l arc tank with nothing in there at the mo due to me moveing fish around fluval roma 33gal tank holding all the other fish while i setup my 66 gal tank ps theres more tanks in my sons room which are his.

Favourite fish species. pleco's,catfish ,bichir's,dwarf cichlids.

Favourite LFS. maidenhead aquatics cambridge and coton, amwell aquatics soham.

Aquatic Likes. a natural looking tank rocks and bogwood and live plants

Aquatic Dislikes. bad lfs bad info and sorry to say but plastic plants the rest well each to there own (oh and the prices of l46 pleco's if anyone could help me out let me know)

Aquatic Achievements. breeding my bristle nose pleco's twice thats why i have 40 babies and my blue rams but lost half of them before i could get them in to the nursey tank but still managed to sell 20 back the lfs oh and proberbly the greatest is keeping my two year old senagal bichir from eating any other of my fish lol.

Non-fish related fact. i'm a caretaker in a secondy school and erm i like my fish ,boxing,motorbikes , going out.
Forum Name: Chuck

Location: South Texas

Number of years in Hobby: On and off for about 50+ years.

Fish Keeping Profile I presently have a 50 gallon high and a 75 gallon. Both are community tanks. The 50 has about 14 [difficult to keep track of]
platys of assorted colors and one full grown Black Angel. The Angel I acquired when she was about 1 inch and now she is about 6 inches. The 75 gallon has/had
a group of 6 bleeding heart tetras, 8 rasboras, 6 otos, 4 peppered corys and a pair of red wag platys. Both tanks are planted. The 50 has java ferns and
the 75 has java ferns and crypts. Both established for over 3 years.

Favorite Fish: congo tetras, cardinal tetras, and bleeding hearts.

Favorite LFS: local Petsmart. For a chain store the one here keeps the fish stock well. Have never had a problem.

Aquatic Likes: A natural looking planted tank with low maintenance. Meaning low lighting about 1 watt/gallon. The javas and crypts
do well.

Aquatic dislikes: Ich!! :sad:

Aquatic Achievements: None!! Besides having two well established tanks cannot think of any other achievements.

Non fish related facts: Retired Air Force do nothing else except play tournament chess and take care of my fish tanks.
Hello everyone..hope you all are fine..its nice to see you all here..i am new to this forum..kindly help me..
Forum Name: Noodle

Location: Belfast, N.Ireland

Number of Years in Hobby: I've always been a big fan, but until now I haven't had the space to take it up.

Fishkeeping Profile: Currently working on my first tank.

Favourite fish species: Betta

Favourite LFS:

Aquatic Likes:
Simple designs

Aquatic Dislikes: Small Goldfish bowls

Aquatic Achievements: Not breaking the tank within 5 minutes of buying it.

Non-fish related fact:
I have a dog named Noodles and he loves eatting noodles

Other Hobbies: err... I'm sure I have some of those...
Forum Name...fluffycabbage

Location...Bedfordshire, England

Number of Years in Hobby...1st year :D

Fishkeeping Profile...Currently running Juwel rio 180, oceanfree 80l

Favourite fish them all!

Favourite LFS...MA in woburn sands for fish, Japanese Koi co for some equipment

Aquatic Likes...beautifully serene planted tanks, crazy schools of fish playing!

Aquatic Dislikes...seeing dead/sick fish as lfs's :( & lfs's selling anybody anything :grr:

Aquatic two pretty nice planted tanks, with lots of happy healthy fish

Non-fish related fact...i have 2 young kids, and make funky kids clothes (sell them online)

Other Hobbies...babywearing, enjoying a few bevvies ;) getting out in the fresh air as often as poss!
Forum Name: Gilli

Location: Kent

Number of years in the hobby: 3

Fish keeping profile: 10 x serpae tetra, 10 x cardinal tetra , 2 x bristle nose plecs, 5 rainbow fish, 3 x corys, 3 x kribs

Fave Fish: All of them!

Fave Fish store: Ark Pets & Aquatic centre Kent

Aquatic Likes: Natural looking tanks with real plants

Aquatic dis-likes: Anything that looks artificial or gaudy, people who dont treat their fish properly

Aquatic acheivements: Adapting my gravel vac so that while it vacs and does the water change it goes straight down the loo!

Not fish realted fact: I co-own and run my own Internet company.

Other hobbies: Anything creative, writing, gardening, cooking, football.

Forum Name...ZoddyZod


Number of Years in Hobby...just over a year

Fishkeeping Profile...125L with whatever is currently listed in my signature.

Favourite fish species...So far Bolivian Rams, tons of character.

Favourite LFS...Maidenhead, Ascot

Aquatic Likes...Really natural looking river set ups. Good healthy plants that look a bit 'wild' and not too manicured.

Aquatic Dislikes...large fish in unsuitably small tanks.

Aquatic Achievements...Nothing of note, except keeping a healthy tank going for 12+ months.....

Non-fish related fact...Very happily married with a 10 month old son.

Other Hobbies...10 month old son, someone remind me what free time is again?

Here is my new profile, wanted to re-do it. B-)

Forum Name James_Fish

Location Lancashire, England.

Number of Years in Hobby 1 year, and what a great year it has been.

Fishkeeping Profile 13 gal Tetra tank, getting shut soon. 55 gal South american tank, links found in signature!

Favourite fish species I like L-number Catfish. I love Oscars but never have kept them. My general favourite fish would be Tetras as a whole.

Favourite LFS Currently, Pier Aquatics in Wigan.

Aquatic Likes I love planted tanks and Malawi Cichlid tanks. But im fond of a lot of things in the hobby. I am also a keen freshwater fisherman, I like to fish for Bream, Carp, Tench & Roach.

Aquatic Dislikes I dislike any fish being in a un-filtered tank. I also dislike multi-coloured gravel.

Aquatic Achievements I have no achievements, I do not breed or keep difficult species... Yet :shifty:

Non-fish related fact I am currently at the second year of college studying Media Studies, Business Studies & Physical Education. I have 5 Tattoes.

Other Hobbies Rugby, Fishing, Playing Guitar, Music, Sport in general.

Me & a few mates in Manchester during the FIFA 2010 World Cup in South Africa. I am on the far right. Don't know why Chris has shut his eyes. England were probably getting beat!

Forum Name... Davo86

Location... Shrewsbury, England

Number of Years in Hobby...
8 years

Fishkeeping Profile... 125g NW Cichlid, Catfish and Oddball setup

Favourite fish species...
Apteronotus Albifrons, Polypterus Delhezi, Nandus Nandus, Heros Efasciatus and Botia Macracantha

Favourite LFS... Maidenhead Aquatics Mere Park Newport

Aquatic Likes... Nice use of bogwood, gnarly branched natural setups, Biotopes

Aquatic Dislikes...
Fish Bowls, Fish ignorant people

Aquatic Achievements... Survived working in a LFS for the past 8 years and still own the first Tropical fish I ever brought (A rescued Botia Kubotai)

Non-fish related fact... I have a Degree in Graphic Communication

Other Hobbies...
Football, Photography, and spending silly amounts of money on needless modifications for my car.
Ooo can't believe I haven't done this yet..

Forum Name...Twinklecaz (which I now hate btw)

Real Name:...Carrie

Location...East Sussex, England

Number of Years in Hobby...First year

Fishkeeping Profile...60L planted tank with 3 Platys, 2 Honey Gouramis, 7 Green Neons and 7 Pygmy Corys

Favourite fish species...All the fish I have plus I do love Angels, Discus, Diamond Tetras, Harlequins and German Blue Rams (lol can't choose)

Favourite LFS...currently Fish Around,Hailsham

Aquatic Likes...natural looking tanks with lots of plants and colour at different levels

Aquatic Dislikes...tacky looking tanks with brightly coloured anything except fish and stupid ornaments like sunken ships, divers or skulls. In fact anything that isn't bogwood, rocks or caves really. Also, no or few plants. Be it live or plastic

Aquatic Achievements...erm, I think I've managed to get a really nice mix of fish and colour with the size tank I have.

Non-fish related fact...I'm a Legal Secretary. Exciting I know!

Other Hobbies...drinking, live music, sleeping.

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