Forum Name; fluttermoth
Location; Cornwall, UK
Number of years in Hobby; Oh god...36 ish
Fishkeeping Profile; One 240l with rescued Oscar and catfish, another 240l SA community in my bedroom with Green Neons, Emperor Tetras, Hatchets and a Whiptail cat, a 160l in my son's room with Tiger Barbs and Zebra Loach, a 100l in the kitchen with a pair of Rams and 3 juvenile angels, an 85l growing on some Green Neons for my mum, and an empty 240l which is being set up to replace that 100l...
Favourite Fish Species; Tiger Barbs, Rams, Green Neons
Favourite LFS; I only have one I can get to and it's not that great
Aquatic Likes; Big tanks!
Aquatic Dislikes; Oh, where to start?!! Tiny tanks, tanks that have one of this, two of that, one of those (especially shoaling species; it's a fish tank, not a pick & mix!!), shoaling fish being kept in too small groups, people who ask for advice and then say "Oh, I don't think it's that", people who want to buy fish to do jobs they should be doing themselves, like cleaning up poo...(I'll stop now, but there's more
Aquatic Achievements; rescuing two Oscars from 3 foot communities and some catfish that were about to be flushed
Breeding angels, cories, bristlenoses.
Non Fish Related Facts; I am obsessed with Doctor Who and have a TARDIS in my bedroom tank
Other Hobbies; Reading, drawing, painting, knitting and crochet, Doctor Who. I also own a greyhound, guinea pigs, a rabbit, a chinchilla and a tarantula called Sweet Pea.
Location; Cornwall, UK
Number of years in Hobby; Oh god...36 ish

Fishkeeping Profile; One 240l with rescued Oscar and catfish, another 240l SA community in my bedroom with Green Neons, Emperor Tetras, Hatchets and a Whiptail cat, a 160l in my son's room with Tiger Barbs and Zebra Loach, a 100l in the kitchen with a pair of Rams and 3 juvenile angels, an 85l growing on some Green Neons for my mum, and an empty 240l which is being set up to replace that 100l...
Favourite Fish Species; Tiger Barbs, Rams, Green Neons
Favourite LFS; I only have one I can get to and it's not that great
Aquatic Likes; Big tanks!
Aquatic Dislikes; Oh, where to start?!! Tiny tanks, tanks that have one of this, two of that, one of those (especially shoaling species; it's a fish tank, not a pick & mix!!), shoaling fish being kept in too small groups, people who ask for advice and then say "Oh, I don't think it's that", people who want to buy fish to do jobs they should be doing themselves, like cleaning up poo...(I'll stop now, but there's more
Aquatic Achievements; rescuing two Oscars from 3 foot communities and some catfish that were about to be flushed

Non Fish Related Facts; I am obsessed with Doctor Who and have a TARDIS in my bedroom tank

Other Hobbies; Reading, drawing, painting, knitting and crochet, Doctor Who. I also own a greyhound, guinea pigs, a rabbit, a chinchilla and a tarantula called Sweet Pea.