Meet The Members

Forum Name: Toubabokoomi

Real Name: Chris

Location: New Jersey

Number of Years in Hobby: 8 years

Fishkeeping Profile: 3 tanks one 72 gallon community tank neons angels corys platys, 1 fluval edge cory cat sword tail some glo fish
1 39 gallon 35 african cichlid peacock fry synodontis petricolla

Favourite fish species: Black ghost kinife

Aquatic Likes: Filtration!

Aquatic Dislikes: anything smaller then 30 gallons!

Aquatic Achievements: Koi surgery
Non-fish related fact: Musician all the way!

Other Hobbies:
making music movies youtube..
Forum Name:Marc1980

Real Name:Marc

Location:Lancashire England

Number of Years in Hobby:3 Years

Fishkeeping Profile:1 55 uk Gallon mostly South American, 1 15 UK Gallon Dwarf Cichlid and cory, 1 10 UK Gallon betta and frog

Favourite fish species: South/Central American Cichlids

Aquatic Likes:Buying new fish

Aquatic Dislikes:ich

Aquatic Achievements:Breeding GBR

Non-fish related fact:I own A Border Collie, Blue Whippet and a Bengal Cat

Other Hobbies:Dog Walking
Forum Name: Liam190

Real Name: Liam

Number of Years in Hobby:properly 9-10 years

Location: Lancashire England

Fishkeeping Profile: Fluval venezia 190 corner unit all new and fresh just added fish and plants after the cycle period will put some pics up soon,

Favourite fish species: Discus, Angels,

Aquatic Likes: Planted tanks

Aquatic Dislikes: bad advise from aquatic shops,

Aquatic Achievements: Breeding Discus

Non-fish related fact: "at the end of the day...its night"

Other Hobbies: golf, xbox, music, btcc,
Thought I'd add my little self!

Forum Name... Hanny93

Real Name... Hannah

Location... Blackburn, NW England

Number of Years in Hobby...approximately 2ish (?)

Fishkeeping Profile...Currently running a 64 litre tropical after realising i was being horrible to my goldies!

Favourite fish species...My lovely cories :)

Favourite LFS... Aquascope, Great Harwood.

Aquatic Likes... Other people's planted tank journals, gives me hope!

Photograph: Me and my great grandma at my big sister's wedding :) She's 97 and still swims a mile every week!


Aquatic Dislikes... Rubbishy LED light up ornaments and 1 fish of every species in a 10 litre tank 'because the people at the fish shop said that was good'

Aquatic Achievements... Breeding and raising one fry to a very young adult, so proud!

Non-fish related fact... I religiously believe in magpies and I have a tattoo of two on my right thigh

Other Hobbies...Horse riding, reading and drawing :)
Hey everyone,

Forum name: sweet1986

Real name: Kyle

Location: Australia

Years in hobby: 2 and a half

Fish keeping profile: currently I have a 250ltr tank with 5 Oscars a 110ltr tank with
breeding electric fellows, 3 90ltr fry tanks, 200ltr community tank, and 5 50ltr breeding tanks.....a bit lol :)

Favorite fish: Trophies polio and Trophies Red Rainbow (Moorii)

Aquatic Likes: Happy colourful breeding fish. A nice display gose ok to

Aquatic Dislikes: Poor fish care its not That hard.

Aquatic Achievements: breed up to 15 different kinds of fish atm and looking to breed even more

Unrelated: I also have a bird, (snowing), and a cat(Chad)

Other Hobbies: Basketball, soccer, movies and music (mudvayne rock)
Forum Name: zenguy22

Real Name: Brant

Location: Johnson City, TN

Number of Years in Hobby: Several, off and on.

Fishkeeping Profile: Getting and setting up a 5 gallon.

Favourite fish species: Tetras

Aquatic Likes: Planted tanks with several shoals of different tetras or other shoaling fish, koi ponds.

Aquatic Dislikes: Bright, overly colorful tanks. Multi colored rocks.

Aquatic Achievements: None at the moment.

Non-fish related fact: I am the Executive Assistant for a regional theater company.

Other Hobbies: Acting, Singing, Dancing, Shopping, Online computer gaming.
Forum Name: Briella

Real Name: Kimberly

Location: North Carolina

Number of Years in Hobby: Just started....maybe 2 or 3 months....started because of my son and I just got into it

Fishkeeping Profile: 10gal with 4 mickey mouse platys, 2 gal with 1 pregnant mickey mouse platy, 1gal with male betta, 2.5 gal with 2 bettas

Favourite fish species: bettas

Aquatic Likes: loving the fishes!!!

Aquatic Dislikes: employees at the some petstores who really don't know what they're saying or doing......or say "if you want advice from a professional"...

Aquatic Achievements: ummm....all the fishes are still alive ;)

Non-fish related fact: I love mint mocha coffee! and now chocolate raspberry coffee!

Other Hobbies: SHOPPING!!! Collecting shot glasses from different states and countries, dancing, collecting candles, traveling.....
Hello all, look forward to getting to know and appreciate being a part of the forum. :nod:

Forum Name... Red Lady

Real Name... Ginger

Location... Williamsburg, VA

Number of Years in Hobby...more than 15

Fishkeeping Profile... Africa cichlids, 2 betta tanks

Favourite fish species...Africans

Aquatic Likes... looking a pics of other setups and fish :wub:

Aquatic Dislikes... bare tanks and over grown tanks

Aquatic Achievements...Africans breeding and watching my betta to build a bubble nest.

Non-fish related fact... I am a certified lover of nature.

Other Hobbies...dogs, reading, designing computer graphics, collecting stuff, horses, exercise.
Forum Name...FishFreak95

Location...Rio Rancho, New Mexico, USA

Number of Years in Hobby...I started when I was 7 so 9 years

Fishkeeping Profile...I have a 55 gallon with a jaguar, a midevil, a carpintis, and a Green Terror. An Empty 90. A 10 gallon with a pair of Sajicas and 4 guppies

Favourite fish species...All Central American Cichlids

Favourite LFS...Riverside Aquarium

Aquatic Likes...Hybrids, Biotopes, uncommon CA cichlids

Aquatic Dislikes...An aquarium that looks like a unicorn threw up in it

Aquatic Achievements...I bred guppies. Not much of an achievement though lol

Non-fish related fact... I have been doing the melbourne shuffle for just over a year

Other Hobbies... Dancing, Bushcraft, I am trying to get back into caster boarding and snake keeping
Forum Name...Robj

Location...Dorset, England

Number of Years in Hobby.. 2 months

Fishkeeping Profile.. 5 Rosy tetras in a 160l tank

Favourite fish species... undecided yet

Favourite LFS...Maidenhead Aquatics, Christchurch

Aquatic Likes... large natural looking tanks

Aquatic Dislikes...plastic submarines, planes, divers in tanks.

Aquatic Achievements... not yet lost a fish after 2 weeks!

Non-fish related fact... I've lived in US, India, Equatorial Guinea, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Abu Dhabi

Other (Chelsea fan), cars (have a 911 GT3, Lotus Elan & Elise), Scuba diving (I've swum with wild dolphins, sharks & been chased by a titan trigger fish)
Forum Name...fatheadminnow (FHM)

Location...New Richmond, WI, USA

Number of Years in Hobby...2 years

Fishkeeping Profile...55 gallon high-tech, CO2 injection planted tank with Cichlids, 3 10 gallon tanks current all used for breeding Kribensis, which I have a lot of now! 29 gallon home to a very aggressive Cichlid.

Favourite fish species...Cichlids

Favourite LFS...Forrest Lake Pets

Aquatic Likes...I like a nicely planted/aquascaped tank, and shoals.

Aquatic Dislikes...I do not like to see "fake" tanks, I like natural looking tanks.

Aquatic Achievements...Been successfully breeding Kribensis now for nearly 6 months!

Non-fish related fact... My favorite Hobby is cars, yes, more so than fish :lol:, and I currently have a '95 Acura Integra GSR which I am building and will have over 500+ Horse Power once I am done!


Forest Lake Pets, as in Forest Lake, MN??? That's one of my faves!
Forum Name...This Old Spouse

Real Name ... Lisa

Location...End of the Road in northern Minnesota USA

Number of Years in Hobby...Just under a year this time around

Fishkeeping Profile...A number of tanks of a number of sizes with a number of different fish.

Favourite fish species...cories. And guppies. And tetras. And, oh well.

Favourite LFS...Forest Lake Pets

Aquatic Likes...a beautifully maintained tank with lots of plants and healthy fish.

Aquatic Dislikes...gawdy tanks with too much junk, people who don't listen to good advice.

Aquatic Achievements...turning my muddy and gross 55g into a beautiful aquarium, imho.

Non-fish related fact...I'm a graphic designer, have 2 beautiful daughters and 2 beautiful step-daughters and one beautiful step-son. Been with my husband going on 15 years, thanking God I found him! Just wish one of us was independently wealthy!

Other Hobbies...there are other hobbies?


hi im keshin im eleven im brand new to this forum just trying to learn the ropes of the site

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