What happened to people posting photos? 
Forum Name...fatheadminnow (FHM)
Location...New Richmond, WI, USA
Number of Years in Hobby...2 years
Fishkeeping Profile...55 gallon high-tech, CO2 injection planted tank with Cichlids, 3 10 gallon tanks current all used for breeding Kribensis, which I have a lot of now! 29 gallon home to a very aggressive Cichlid.
Favourite fish species...Cichlids
Favourite LFS...Forrest Lake Pets
Aquatic Likes...I like a nicely planted/aquascaped tank, and shoals.
Aquatic Dislikes...I do not like to see "fake" tanks, I like natural looking tanks.
Aquatic Achievements...Been successfully breeding Kribensis now for nearly 6 months!
Non-fish related fact... My favorite Hobby is cars, yes, more so than fish, and I currently have a '95 Acura Integra GSR which I am building and will have over 500+ Horse Power once I am done!