Meet The Members

I want to be a marine biologist as well. Used to want to be an entomologist, but not anymore.
Forum Name- Yanks15, formally Smoke14

Real Name- Steve

Location- Upstate NY- USA

Fishkeeping Profile- 55gal cycling for Mbuna, prior 20gal Tropical, 10gal Tropical

Favorite Fish Species- Love to have a Gar or Arowana

Favorite LFS- Aquarium Outfitters-Wake Forest,NC Pet World-Greece,NY

Aquatic Likes- Active and well maintained tanks

Aquatic Dislikes- Like so many others...COLORED GRAVEL!! Ignorant LFS staff

Aquatic Achievements- none yet- soon to be first Fishless Cycle

Non-Fish Related Facts- I'm still head-over-heels for my wife after 28yrs! I have 2 amazing children! I USED TO HAVE HAIR.....on my head :rolleyes: :blink: :angry: Both of my user names are my all-time favorite baseball players. Can you name them? hint- I'm a HUGE Yankee fan

Other Hobbies- Woodworking, baseball, old cars, antique furniture, dachshunds
Forum Name...Macibear

Location...Minnesota, USA

Number of Years in Hobby...umm.. on and off for a couple years

Fishkeeping Profile...I currently have a 10 gallon, 5 gallon, 15 gallon and 2 small betta keepers right now

Favourite fish species...Goldfish

Favourite LFS...

Aquatic Likes...I like the natural plant look and sand in my tanks

Aquatic Dislikes...I hate to baby bettas being sold at petco...

Aquatic Achievements...I have gotten my Gold Fish to actually grow! When I had them when i was younger they always died..

Non-fish related fact... I am going to school for a Vet Tech degree

Other Hobbies...Bowhunting, Bow fishing, shooting guns, and I have an obsession with cows...
Hi people
>Tom is my name and absolutely new to this fish keeping so hope i won't
bore everyone silly with stupid questions?
The five gallon aquarium I have right now was given to me by a friend and it's pretty old. So far I have had many different Bettas that I have bought for the aquarium.

This post has been edited by Avirex Man: Today, 08:15 AM
Forum Name...burdettdonna

Location...United Kingdom

Number of Years in Hobby...5 years

Fishkeeping stop shop for quality corals, inverts, plants, plankton, tanks, lighting, filters, feeds and our famous FREE Water Test Service!

Favourite fish species...Tanganyikan Cichlids

Favourite LFS...Changes weekly!

Aquatic Likes...Happy fish and clear water

Aquatic Dislikes...anything un natural (except aquariums)

Aquatic Achievements...Cichlid breeding

Non-fish related fact......I am 27 years old. Checking for best aquatic shop around the area.

Other Hobbies... watching movies and internet surfing
Forum Name - ninjacheesefish

Location - Walton on Thames, Surrey

Number of Years in Hobby - Since I started breathing. So nearly 17 years.

Fishkeeping Profile
1. 200 litre Coldwater: Ornamental Goldfishies
2. 80 litre Tropical Tank: Mollies, Danios, Tetras, BN, Gourami Pair, Rasboras
3. 7ft tank: Big Fish Community

Favourite fish species: Chinese Blind Cave Unicorn Fish

Favourite LFS: Any form of Maidenhead Aquatics

Aquatic Likes: A well kept tank with happy fish :good:

Aquatic Dislikes: Sad looking fish in small tanks :-(

Aquatic Achievements: I can breed Mollies..? Easy, I know. :lol:

Non Fish Related Fact: I have a passionate love for childish animated films.

Other hobbies: Astronomy, Electronics, Reading and Animation

Forum Name: MsKhaeli

Location: County Durham, United Kingdom

Number of Years in Hobby: 16 years (off and on, will explain myself) Well I got my first tank at the age of 10, I kept a black moor and a goldfish in there. Then I got my tropical tank so I had 2 tanks by the time I was 11. When I was 17 I and moved out of my parents house, sold those 2 tanks and bought a big one when I was 21 and bred Orandas until I moved to Holland in 2003.

Fishkeeping Profile: Currently own an established Biorb 30 litre which is housing a Male CT Betta, he will be moving into shortly a 60 litre tank with 2 assassin snails and lots of plants temporaraly while his 34 litre Aqua One cycles. For my 60 litre after my CT Betta is moved I have no idea what I am going to stock it with. :p

Favourite fish species: Crown Tail Bettas, Half Moon Bettas.

Favourite LFS: Not too sure just yet, I used to like Sunderland Aquatics in Grangetown many years ago but now I am not too sure, I need to go take a look at more :p

Aquatic Likes: Bettas living in the correct spaces and not just cups/jars/tiny square tanks and bowls.

Aquatic Dislikes: The water conditions at certain pet stores and the living conditions!!!

Aquatic Achievements: Oranda Breeding many years ago. Looking forward to a new challenge: Betta Breeding.

Non-fish related fact: Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosnt mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.

Other Hobbies: Watching Formula 1 - following Jensen Button and Lewis Hamilton, Drawing, painting and reading and helping my fella with some of his hobbies. <3
Forum Name: Mamba

Location: County Down, Northern Ireland

Number of years in Hobby: Not even one yet, a definite newbie but one that listens to advice and uses a bit of common sense where I can.

Fish-keeping Profile: Thus far: 2 Pleco, 3 Dianema Catfish, 4 Speckled Mollies, 6 Chinese Banded Loaches, 6 Tiger Barbs, 9 Koi, 11 Common/Comet Goldfish of varying sizes and 13 Fancy Goldfish. Yep and all in a 2ft tank!! :hyper:
Just kidding of course!! :hey: So far I have a 2ft, a 3ft and a 5ft tank, but this will shortly be joined by a larger 5ft hopefully and another 4ft. I'm having to reorganise things so will be getting rid of a few Koi and Goldfish.

Favourite Fish Species: Hard to say. I love Koi but on the other hand I really like my Chinese banded loaches as they have a real character of their own. I like Community set ups so haven't really got a favourite single species as yet.

Favourite LFS: Grosvenor Tropicals in Lisburn and Pet Newtritions in Downpatrick.

Aquatic Likes: Nicely set up community aquaria.

Aquatic Dislikes: Making mistakes that result in my fish pegging it!

Aquatic Achievement: Finding the space to house all these fish in such a small area. Now trying to work out how to make the ceiling work as extra room for more aquarium! LOL

Non-fish related fact: Growing older is an unalterable fact of life, however, growing up is something you can choose not to do!! :good:

Other Hobbies: Rebuilding and modifying classic cars and Land Rovers. Irish Whiskey, Peated Scotch and fine Liquers. And curing expensive hang-overs too. All expensive hobbies!!

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