Forum Name: Mamba
Location: County Down, Northern Ireland
Number of years in Hobby: Not even one yet, a definite newbie but one that listens to advice and uses a bit of common sense where I can.
Fish-keeping Profile: Thus far: 2 Pleco, 3 Dianema Catfish, 4 Speckled Mollies, 6 Chinese Banded Loaches, 6 Tiger Barbs, 9 Koi, 11 Common/Comet Goldfish of varying sizes and 13 Fancy Goldfish. Yep and all in a 2ft tank!!
Just kidding of course!!

So far I have a 2ft, a 3ft and a 5ft tank, but this will shortly be joined by a larger 5ft hopefully and another 4ft. I'm having to reorganise things so will be getting rid of a few Koi and Goldfish.
Favourite Fish Species: Hard to say. I love Koi but on the other hand I really like my Chinese banded loaches as they have a real character of their own. I like Community set ups so haven't really got a favourite single species as yet.
Favourite LFS: Grosvenor Tropicals in Lisburn and Pet Newtritions in Downpatrick.
Aquatic Likes: Nicely set up community aquaria.
Aquatic Dislikes: Making mistakes that result in my fish pegging it!
Aquatic Achievement: Finding the space to house all these fish in such a small area. Now trying to work out how to make the ceiling work as extra room for more aquarium! LOL
Non-fish related fact: Growing older is an unalterable fact of life, however, growing up is something you can choose not to do!!
Other Hobbies: Rebuilding and modifying classic cars and Land Rovers. Irish Whiskey, Peated Scotch and fine Liquers. And curing expensive hang-overs too. All expensive hobbies!!