Meet The Members

loool well spotted though tbh.

:lol: :lol: now i feel a bit silly.
haha :hey: Like Abbey Cadabby too, then?

:blush: Terrible photo of me, all puffy and preggo.
Forum Name: Llegmore

Location: Birmingham, England

Number of Years in Hobby: 10 years (since I was 7)

Fishkeeping Profile: 35 gallon community tank (upgrading to 50 gallon), 40 gallon Angel breeding tank, 10 gallon betta tank, 10 gallon tetra tank, 5 gallon hospital

Favourite fish species: DISSSCUUUUUSSSSS! woop!

Favourite LFS: Maidenhead Aquatics

Aquatic Likes: Marine tanks. I admire them greatly but do not dare attempt one.

Aquatic Dislikes: multi-coloured gravel drives me absolutely crazy as do plastic plants and fake ornaments (even though I use them in 1/2 my tanks)

Aquatic Achievements: Nothing much. But I guess it's an achievement to persuade my parents to keep 100 gallons of water in an upstairs room :lol:

Non-fish related fact: I'm a writer, hoping to publish this summer.

Other Hobbies: writing, drawing, music (piano+clarinet), languages.
Forum Name: Betta_Shark5678

Location: USA

Number of Years in Hobby: Just past my two year mark! (Not including the poor goldfish I had when I was little and knew nothing about fish...)

Fishkeeping Profile: 6.6 Gallon future Quarantine/Fry tank. 3.5 future Betta tank. 55 Gallon tank coming soon!

Favourite fish species: Really hard to say... I love all the types of fish I've had in the last 2 years :unsure: My Guppies are really playful, and colorful. My platys are pretty, and swim over to the front of the tank every time I walk by, except the Male. My Bettas used to watch me play guitar. And my Pleco swims out every night after I turn the tank light off, and is a lot of fun to watch!

Favourite LFS: Petsmart... Best prices, and they don't have a freshwater quarantine tank with a bunch of tropical fish, and one goldfish in it. They also don't sell Betta bowls that are smaller than the ones you get them in from the pet stores!

Aquatic Likes: Live plants... I've never had them, but I love the way they make the tank look, I hate my neon colored plastic ones.

Aquatic Dislikes: People who take the pet store's advice over your's even though they know you've done the research, then say it was because the pet stores "should know what they're talking about", then end up losing a fish from it.

Aquatic Achievements: Does joining this forum count? :lol: You guys are probably the only reason my Pleco is still alive after almost a week and a half! :p

Non-fish related fact: Are there any? Even my dream career is fish related! (Marine Biologist)

Other Hobbies: Dancing, Writing, Drawing, playing Guitar, Reading...
Non-fish related fact: Are there any? Even my dream career is fish related! (Marine Biologist)

that's what I want to be too! Either that, or a vet.
That's so cool! I want to be that, and a professional dancer. I used to want to be a Vet.
I want to be a pro baseball player, but I'm really good, just not THAT good.

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