Meet The Members

Tell us more, Karrie! Take a look at the "form" everyone is filling out. We're snoopy and want to know it all!
Forum Name...Noahs ark6

Location...Sheffield, England

Number of Years in Hobby...approx 4 years

Fishkeeping Profile...Currently running a 125 litre, a 30 litre and a newly set up 20 litre

Favourite fish species...Angels and shrimp

Favourite LFS...Wharf aquatics at pinstone

Aquatic Likes...Beautifully green aquatic plants

Aquatic Dislikes...Sick coloured gravel, fake plants, and people that keep goldfish in small tanks, oh, and people who use feeder fish, oh, and people that feed mice to their fish, oh, and stupid people that know nothing about fish that try to sell you pointless products at the shop, and seeing bettas in tiny cubes, and dum fish shop workers that can't catch the fish, and black hair algae :angry: , the list goes on but i don't want to clogg up the thread :lol:

Aquatic Achievements...I keep all my fish in clean, healthy conditions and never overstock (although it's very tempting)

Non-fish related fact...I'm going to have to be boring and say i don't have one :look:

Other Hobbies... I play the trombone?
a bit like meet the mods. Here goes...

Forum Name...Ianho

Location...Lincolnshire, England

Number of Years in Hobby...approx 4 years, 3 of which where in cold water

Fishkeeping Profile...Currently running Juwel Trigon 190 and a 60ltr sat doing nothing, maybe turning it into some kind of biotope

Favourite fish species...Angels and Cardinal Tetras

Favourite LFS...Maidenhead, Lincoln

Aquatic Likes...I do like to see a good Biotope filled with a Shoal of something

Aquatic Dislikes...I hate to see sunken ships and tri coloured illuminous gravel

Aquatic Achievements...I have yet to kill any plants...oh hang on, i killed a aquatic Lily.

Non-fish related fact...I'm a Registered nurse working on a busy EAU dept, have a little boy of 2 and have been with my patner for 12 years

Other Hobbies...Golf, Football, Training homeless dogs, teaching 2 year olds how to count.

Have you ever watched meet the fockers?
You look like Ben Stiller (the main guy) and he works as a nurse aswell :good:
Forum Name...DrRob

Location...Wiltshire/Somerset, South of Bath, England

Number of Years in Hobby...about 25

Fishkeeping Profile...Currently running 2 100 litres, a 30 litre and a 2 litre cutting nursery.

Favourite fish species...Apistogramma Agassizi

Favourite LFS...Bath Aquatics

Aquatic Likes...Low stocked swamp looks

Aquatic Dislikes...Ignorance as an excuse the second time.

Aquatic Achievements...Breeding angels to a level where people started writing down the genetics

Non-fish related fact...There are far too many to mention. I'm probably one of the few people on the forum to have held a brain of a living person and then speak to them a few weeks later, will that do?

Other Hobbies... Archery, Climbing, Rebuilding houses (not sure if this is a hobby or a psychiatric illness)
Forum Name...FishFanatic04 {I'm the goofy American who named myself Fish Fanny before I realized what it meant in the UK}

Location...Military Bases, USA

Number of Years in Hobby... 28 with Bettas, but only months with real knowledge.

Fishkeeping Profile...75g high tech planted, 46g low tech planted, 10g Betta home

Favourite fish species...Angels, Rasbora Espei, Cories, Bettas. Yup 4 favorites! :fun:

Favourite LFS...Don't have any locally at this moment

Aquatic Likes... Planted tanks, designed with your fish in mind. Bettas in a big tank.

Aquatic Dislikes...Bettas in a little bowl with inadequate water changes

Aquatic Achievements...My green thumb is working just as well when soggy.

Non-fish related fact...I am the wife of a US Army soldier who plans to stay in the service until he can retire, even after 2 deployments, 2 purple hearts, and more then half of the time we have been married spent apart. 8 years...only together 4 of them.

Other Hobbies...Sewing, Crafting, Reading, playing with my babies, and cooking!

Sorry for the three pics, couldn't find one with all of us in. Shameful.

Pregnant with my second and meeting Abby Cadabby/ Handsome and tall one on the right. Don't mind his dirt.

My little Chunker
Forum Name...Ps3steveo

Real name...Steve Smith

Location...Kent, England

Number of Years in Hobby...lots

Fishkeeping Profile...Currently 60 litre and 35 litre planted ARC's and a nano in the shed, soon to be just the nano and a 5ftx2ftx2ft planted

Favourite fish species...Discus, South American Cichlids and Tetra

Favourite LFS...Maidenhead Aquatics

Aquatic Likes...Plants and Discus

Aquatic Dislikes...Cheesy stuff

Aquatic Achievements...Growing carpeting plants

Non-fish related fact...I love my PS3

Other Hobbies...My 5 kids and missus
Forum Name...Staxx

Location...nottingham. england

Number of months in the hobby.... around 4

Fishkeeping Profile...Currently running fluval ROMA 180

Favourite fish species...any corydoras!

Favourite LFS... not found a favourite yet! MA is alrite though.

Aquatic Likes... big shoals of fish :D

Aquatic Dislikes...big fish in little tanks.

Aquatic Achievements... not really had one yet. having some bad luck if anything lol

Non-fish related fact... im a chef, i have a pet dog!

Other Hobbies... computer gaming!
Forum Name...Staxx

Location...nottingham. england

Number of months in the hobby.... around 4

Fishkeeping Profile...Currently running fluval rio 180

Favourite fish species...any corydoras!

Favourite LFS... not found a favourite yet! MA is alrite though.

Aquatic Likes... big shoals of fish :D

Aquatic Dislikes...big fish in little tanks.

Aquatic Achievements... not really had one yet. having some bad luck if anything lol

Non-fish related fact... im a chef, i have a pet dog!

Other Hobbies... computer gaming!

Fluval Rio? :blush:

Also... FF4... Hellllllllo!!!! :* :D :X

Also Also... LMFAO @ Ian and Ben Stiller ROFL!!!!!!!!!!!!
oh haha im still learning! i thought it was fluval cuz the front of my tank says fluval...

whats FF4?...

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