Mbuna Sees Red


New Member
May 3, 2004
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I have a nice specimen of a yellow Mbuna. When I feed the fish flake food this fish feeds very aggressively, but always manages to single out the red flakes and eats only them until only other colours remain. The other Mbuna's in the tank just eat any flakes that come their way, regardless of colour.

I find this strange, has anyone else noticed behaviour like this or can explain it in anyway?
umm you spend way to much time with your fish mang, no but seriously i dunno why they do that...
The red flake is also the favorite of my white tipped tetras. They won't touch the white and green leaving those for all the "slower" feeders in my 38 gal.

I think the red ones are mostly brine shrimp or krill---giving it the red color. All I know is my fish go nuts over brine shrimo, so this might be why your fish prefer the red ones? Or maybe it's like how we humans separate the green M&M's :p
My mbuna's also go nuts over brine shrimp. You would have thought I hadn't fed them in 2 weeks! My biggest one though, does only pick out the red and orange ones though, he wont touch the green spirluna flakes. Although those ones are the best for him!

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