Mass Death And Cloudy Water


Fish Fanatic
Dec 22, 2009
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Hey all ive got a fluval roma 90l with a fluval u2 filter, ive recently installed my new background, which was made of styrofoam, coated with cement and sealed with 3 layers of pond sealant, last night i put the gravel back in and the fish, and left the light off and didnt feed. Whilst the background was being installed i ran the filter, heater and put the fish in a baby bath which was clean of all soap/cleaners, so im sure its nothing to do with the filter........

I woke up this morn and put the light on, the water is still cloudy, and ive lost

1 Rummy Nosed Tetra (Hemigrammus Rhodostomus)
2 Glowlight tetra (Hemigrammus Erythrozonus)
1 Black Neon (Hyphessobrycon Herbertaxelrodi)
3 Neon Tetra

all over night, ive only found 2 bodies too :*(

all my other fish

2 Blue Gourami
1 Golden Gourami
2 Neon Black Painted Platy (Xiphophorus Maculatus)
3 African Dwarf Frogs (Hymenochirus Boettgeri)
1 Rainbow Shark (Epalzeorhynchos Frenatum)
4 Black Neon (Hyphessobrycon Herbertaxelrodi)

are all still fine, however seem to spending a lot of time up near the surface, they have great colour in them and have fed ok this morning but im worried about the water and why they are spending so much time near the surface.

i have changed the venturi on the top too allow more oxygen into the water supply/flow.

any ideas, should i be worried or am i just being paranoid/impatient, even if this is the case im really concerned by the huge amount of death i have suffered overnight.
What kind of cloudy? A white milky cloudy? Or dust particle cloudy, from the gravel/debris floating about?
its like a milky white glow, its NOT a "DIRTY" kind of cloudy..............

could it be bacteria bloom, as tank was cleaned out internally fully ?
its like a milky white glow, its NOT a "DIRTY" kind of cloudy..............

could it be bacteria bloom, as tank was cleaned out internally fully ?

It could be, yes. It could mean your tank has crashed due to the cleanout. Although with it happening overnight and the deaths, it could be some toxins your background has introduced into the water. Is your PH high? How long did you let the pond sealant cure?
sealent cured for about 36 hours, ive done a 20% water change this afternoon too
did you seal both sides and the edges of the background
or just the front of it Styrofoam is not
water proof and if you didnt seal the back
of it the water will get to the back of the
cement and leach it out back in to the tank
sealed every side apart from the back, absolutly no guides or anything mention sealing the rear, and anyway the sealent will burn and melt styrofoam, so i dont think this is the issue
sealed every side apart from the back, absolutly no guides or anything mention sealing the rear, and anyway the sealent will burn and melt styrofoam, so i dont think this is the issue

its not water proof it will leach back
i got a Polly box that was not for aquatic
use and put fish and water in it half way home
water started seeping out through the bottoms and the sides
actually coming through the the foam just that seams funny that
this should happen when you put the new background in and all was OK
before hand
if u check the guides on this site and various others, none mention sealing the back, and if u didnt know sealent will melt polystyrene! im not saying its notconnected.

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