Manhattan, Kansas Anyone?


New Member
Jan 29, 2011
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I am not sure where this post should be going under so if this isn't the place, sorry! This might be a ridiculously unusual question, but here goes. I live in Manhattan, KS but home is far far away from here. For this reason I am unable to take my 5 gal betta tank with me during school holidays and was wondering if anyone would be incredibly kind as to maybe take care of it for me? I am a starving college student but I could pay something if need be. Right now my tank is cycling therefore, I have to do PWC everyday. I initially thought about asking my friends but when one of them actually said the words "you're not supposed to change the water if you have a filter, what are you on about.." I was sure, this is not the way to go. I will if I have to, but I'd prefer someone with experience.

I know this is a lot to ask, so I don't expect many answers (especially since on top of it I live in the middle of nowhere Kansas), but if anyone is at al interested please, please, please let me know. You can PM me if you dont feel like disclosing where you're from.

Please? THANK YOU!
Wow, I've seen stranger things but the chances that the right person in your midwest town would also be perusing TFF seems pretty much in lightning strike range of probability! I only usually see maybe a few dozen from the USA regularly posting (maybe I'm way off, lol.)

Perhaps a query on Craig's list or other sales type websites would turn up another fishkeeper who'd have more understanding about cycling.

May I ask why you've ruled out moving the 5G and betta off to school with you? It's pretty easy to bag up one fish (with plenty of air above the water of course!) and a 5G seems like it would fit almost anywhere in a dorm room - I seem to remember they are quite popular in that setting.

Actually, WD, I think she has the opposite problem. I think the tank is with her at school and she needs help during school breaks when she travels home. But I agree she is not likely to find help on this particular site for that! The US forum members are kind of scattered on here.

Nelisa - I would find a friend who stays at school during the holidays and educate them on why the partial water changes are needed at this time. Offer to help them out in some way to pay them back!
Hah! Gvilleguy has it right. I am at school and need help during holidays. No harm in hoping! I think that's what I'm going to do, just train one of my friends to do it. I am still worried about summer however, because it is such a long period for someone to take care of my fish. It's okay tho, I'll figure it out! Craigslist is a good idea too, thanks guys!
For the summer I bet you could transport the tank home with the fish...good luck with everything!
Oh good, thanks for figuring it out GVG! :nod: Fish and mature filter media travel quite well in plastic bags that have lots of air above and the whole process is really not so bad with little tanks! Good luck with it. :D


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