Male Peacock Gudgeon hiding or dead?


Kinda crazy, but somehow they let me stay
Tank of the Month 🏆
Jun 25, 2021
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Both my fish sometimes decide to disappear for a day or two but around Thursday or Friday they both disappeared... A day after the female came out swimming and eating... But my male is still gone by Sunday... Usually it is around 2 days they are missing but this is around the fourth day and im kinda worried because they normally come out together... Maybe im too worried... I havent been able to test for ammonia but I will when I am able to.
Both my fish sometimes decide to disappear for a day or two but around Thursday or Friday they both disappeared... A day after the female came out swimming and eating... But my male is still gone by Sunday... Usually it is around 2 days they are missing but this is around the fourth day and im kinda worried because they normally come out together... Maybe im too worried... I havent been able to test for ammonia but I will when I am able to.
Blimey, they do give you the run-around - don’t they..? Have you checked all the places you looked last time..? 🙂
Blimey, they do give you the run-around - don’t they..? Have you checked all the places you looked last time..? 🙂
Yah, they do 😅... And no, I haven't. It was Friday when I did my water change and at that time they were hiding but only for a day at that time... One of his favorite caves is a tight crevis imbetween the rocks...
I told you these weren't beginner's fish. Now they are playing with your head, good luck with that. They are like naughty children and need to be taught what the tank rules are.
Rule 1: Show yourself to your human once a day
Rule 2: Eat
Rule3; Don't fight
Rule4: ......................
I told you these weren't beginner's fish. Now they are playing with your head, good luck with that. They are like naughty children and need to be taught what the tank rules are.
Rule 1: Show yourself to your human once a day
Rule 2: Eat
Rule3; Don't fight
Rule4: ......................
Actually I have read in more than one article and even on here that these fish are fairly easy to keep... Not necessarily a go to beginners fish but not a hard fish to keep... And yes, they do keep me busy 😅... Those three rules need to be posted in the aquarium for them because they obviously don't understand how much they worry me when their gone for more than two days...
Actually I have read in more than one article and even on here that these fish are fairly easy to keep... Not necessarily a go to beginners fish but not a hard fish to keep... And yes, they do keep me busy 😅... Those three rules need to be posted in the aquarium for them because they obviously don't understand how much they worry me when their gone for more than two days...
Make some sign posts, with arrows on them that say things like. Humans (with an arrow pointing), Food (with an arrow pointing). If they understand English, they will pick up the idea fast.
Has it ever crossed your mind that maybe they do not actually like this flapping human outside their window?

Look at it from their point of view...

"oh comes that flapping human again"

"OK...let's hide.....maybe if we stay hidden he will go away and leave us in peace"

One comes out...

The other..."is he still there?

"yes and he's flapping again trying to find you"

"ha...he has no chance...I am far better at playing hide and not seek than he'll ever be"

I think I have really bad news.... Still no sign of the gudgeon and I did an ammonia test... It was at 0.25 or less... My mom was trying to be comforting and find other reasons for an ammonia spike, but I think my favorite fish just passed :confused::(😓... I wouldn't know why or how he died... He was fully colored up and was aggressively trying to attract the female... If any of the two were to die I would've thought the female tbh sense she is always getting chased... Hopefully the ammonia spike is something else and I can just find the fish today. I am going to be doing a water change 🤬😭
Did a 25% water change and was flipping rocks up and stuff... No sign of him anywhere... He may be INSIDE a rock which if he is I will hate him... Lol
How is the hunt going?
Idk if you read what I posted before, but story short I think he may be dead somewhere which doesn't make sense... I checked under most of the caves that I know of in the tank and no sign of him anywhere...
Idk if you read what I posted before, but story short I think he may be dead somewhere which doesn't make sense... I checked under most of the caves that I know of in the tank and no sign of him anywhere...
Has he jumped out down the back of the tank
Has he jumped out down the back of the tank
I didn't check, but im very sure that the opening is to small... What could cause an ammonia spike BESIDES a dead fish?
I didn't check, but im very sure that the opening is to small... What could cause an ammonia spike BESIDES a dead fish?
Over feeding, quite easy to do when you only have two fish in a tank. You really need to find the body as ammonia will affect the other fish. Try to find it dead or alive!!

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